
Zebulon Wanders

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Harper's Retreat 2024
Resides: Barony of Stonemarche (Salem, NH)
Status: Active
This individual may not have an entry in the Order of Precedence, or may not have added their OPID yet. Volunteer editors may add it in the future.
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Award & Office Badges

Guild Member


Zebulon Wanders of Barony of Stonemarche is a Brewer and aspiring Forester. He holds the ranks of Underforester in the EK Royal Forester Guild and the rank of Member in the EK Brewers Guild.


Primarily focused on Forester studies for the preservation of the lands and beasts within it. As the name suggests, his attention wanders between Forestry duties, Brewing, Blacksmithing, and Archery.

Persona's Location in Time: Work in progress. (I can only assume it will take many years for me to finally decide on a specific time period.)

Offices & Positions

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In Case of Court

Please send all court summons via email, Facebook, or notify a household member of the Inn of Bards Rest. Thank You.

Pronouns: He/Him (Honestly, whatever makes you comfortable.)

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