
Wynflaed aet Hamtunscire

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Wynflaed aet Hamtunscire
Resides: Barony of Bergental
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Per chevron vert and azure, a badger and in chief two sets of needles in saltire argent.
Award & Office Badges
Award of ArmsCompanion of the Order of the Silver WheelCourtBaronyCompanion of the Order of the Silver Crescent


Wynflaed aet Hamtunscire,known as Wynnie, is a Baroness of Hrafnstormr, of Duchy Von Drachenklaue (VDK.) She is protege to Mistress Sefa Hrafnsdóttir, and apprentice to Master Estgar æt Hrofecaestre. Wynnie is a weaver, seamtress, retainer, water-bearer, food provider, and mid-eastern dancer. She is a member of the East Kingdom Forester's Guild, and resides in the Barony of Bergental.


Wynflaed is 10th century Early Medieval English. Wynnie dabbles in Persian, Roman, and Viking as well.



Winner of Novice Category at St. Eligius Arts and Sciences Competition, November 12, 2022

Offices & Positions

Classes Taught

  • Quick and Easy Roman Garb, Carolingia 50 year (2023)
  • Introduction to Tracking, GNEW 36 (2024)

In Case of Court

Please Notify Devillin MacPherson, Sefa Hrafnsdóttir, and Estgar æt Hrofecaestre

Links to Projects/Documentation and Handouts

Sari Dress Class Handout [[1]] 1066 Dress [[2]] Early Medieval English Gown [[3]] Weaving Patterns [[4]]