
Symon of Barnesdale

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Symon as Carolingia's Thrown Weapons Champion
Resides: Barony of Carolingia
Status: Mentis Est
Awards: Order of Precedence
per chevron inverted argent and vert in chief three lozenges azure

(Fieldless) Three lozenges conjoined in pall azure.
Award & Office Badges
Award of Arms Companion of the Order of the Golden Mantle CourtBarony Sovereign's Cypher

Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent Companion of the Order of the Pelican
Order of Perseus Order of the Daystar
Thrown Weapons Marshal Webminister


Symon of Barnesdale. First encountered the SCA in Barony Beyond the Mountain (1994), but has been a resident of Carolingia since August, AS XXX (1995). After about a decade of low involvement, returned to active participation starting in AS XLVIII (2013). Active in Thrown Weapons, Webministry, and Period Games.


Symon (He/Him) is a Mid 13th century franklin who hangs his hat (when he wears one) and rests his boots (when he wears them) on his holdings outside of Doncaster, in the south of Yorkshire.

Offices & Positions

Thrown Weapons

  • Thrown Weapons Marshal, July 2015 to Present
  • Baronial Thrown Weapons Marshal, Carolingia, January 2017 to January 2020
  • Baronial Thrown Weapons Champion, Carolingia, August 2016 to September 2017
  • Consort's Champion of Thrown Weapons, Fortune Sancte Keyne, Margarita de Siena, Alberic von Rostock, Ro Honig von Sommerfeldt - June 2019 to September 2021
  • Captain, Thrown Weapons Championship Team, Pennsic, 2019
  • Baronial Thrown Weapons Champion, Carolingia, September 2024


  • Kingdom Webminister, East Kingdom, November 2023 to present
  • Deputy Kingdom Webminister, East Kingdom, October 2019 to November 2023
  • East Kingdom Wiki Administrator, July 2019 to November 2023
  • Webminister, Barony of Carolingia, January 2017 to November 2023
    • Webminister, Canton of Aschehyrst, September 2017 to September 2019
    • Webminister, Canton of the Towers, January 2018 to November 2023


Event Staff

Symon has often been the Thrown Weapons MiC at events throughout the kingdom, has run the game spaces at various events (including in the unfortunate heat of EK 50), and also does stints with the kitchens and dayboards when called upon.

Projects & Publications

  • "Karnoffel" , Carolingian Minuscule - May 2019
  • "EK Throwers Gotta Throw" , East Kingdom YouTube Channel - June 2020 -
  • Video team lead for Royal and Baronial Ethereal Courts

More Information

Awarded the Sovereign's Award of Esteem three times and the Sovereign's Cypher once for service to the kingdom in assisting with the Kingdom migration to Google Services and for efforts above and beyond in the production and support of the Ethereal Court during the time of the Great Covid Plague.

In Case of Court

Please send all communications, questions, or offers of support to Lady Deirdre Grenewode. Please feel welcome to surprise me, I get a funny look on my face. ICOP: Please issue a writ. Those around me may explode otherwise.