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Barony of Stonemarche
Stonemarche arms.gif
Per chevron vert and argent three castles within a laurel wreath all with in a boudure invected counterchanged.
Founded: October 3rd AS 18 (1987)
Location: New Hampshire.


A Barony in the Northern Region of the East Kingdom, Stonemarche was formally established on October 3rd AS 18 (1987). Morgan Arianblaidd and Megan ni Laine were invested as the founding Baron and Baroness by Randal and Marieke.

Meaning: Stonemarche's heraldry is full of allusions. The boudure invected represents the 'Granite State' (A marche is a border area like between England and Scotland. Therefore the device has a stone marche). New Hampshire's White Mountains and Northern Forests represented by the green and white field division. the three castles representing the Shire of Belle Rive, Shire of Vatnaskvadstadir and the Riding of Caer Penbledd uniting to form the Barony.

Established: October 3rd AS 18 (1987)

Blazon: Per chevron vert and argent three castles within a laurel wreath all with in a boudure invected counterchanged.

Heraldic officer's title: Granite Pursuivant.

Awards: (See also The Awards section below)

  • The Order of the Millstone - granted for long service to the barony.
  • Golden Sword - Awarded to the "fighter (authorized less than a year and not yet fought at Pennsic) showing the most potential as chosen by the veteran fighters in attendance at the Golden Sword Tournament.
  • Golden Foil and Golden Arrow - As per Golden Sword, but in fencing and archery respectively.

Newsletter: Carved In Granite.

Fighting Unit(s): the Yeomen.

Barons and Baronesses of Stonemarche

Stonemarche Baronage

10/03/1987-02/01/1997 Morgan Arianblaidd & Megan ni Laine

02/01/1997-06/14/2003 Megan ni Laine & Harold von Auerbach

06/14/2003-01/26/2014 Juan Lazaro Ramirez Xavier & Maria Pagani

01/26/2014-01/26/2019 Dorio of the Oaks & Jocelyn del Espada

01/26/2019-Present Keziah Planchet & Deirdre Planchet

Territories of Stonemarche

The Barony of Stonemarche overlays the entire state of NH and claims stewardship of Giggleswick (those regions of Maine with zipcode 03***) For more details see below.

Former Territories of Stonemarche

Branswatch was replaced by four other groups:


In the Beginning

Map of Stonemarche

Originally the Southern part of the area known in the quotidian world as New Hampshire was settled as the Shire of Branswatch in AS 12 (1981). Eventually Branswatch was replaced by four other groups; the Canton of Anrhyfeddôd in AS 13 (1982); the Shire of Belle Rive, in AS 14 (1983); the Shire of Vatnaskvadstadir AS 14 (1983); and the Riding of Caer Penbledd AS 15 (1984).

When the Canton of Anrhyfeddôd was disolved in AS 17 the Kingdom Senechal ceded the lands to the Shire of Vatnaskvadstadir as he stepped down from office. At the time, Vatnaskvadstadir, and Bell Rive were negotiating between themselves to determine how to divide the lands of Anrhyfeddôd. After much negotiation, and conferences with the people of Caer Penbledd the three groups decided to join together and form a Barony.

Further meetings took place to decide the name of the new Barony, its arms and choose the founding Baron and Baroness. On October 3rd AS 18 (1987 C.E.) the Barony of Stonemarche was officially created.

Giggleswick, Stonemarche Protectorate

Stonemarche Claim to Giggleswick, in English
Stonemarche Claim to Giggleswick, in the original Pig Latin

From times ancient beyond all memory or record, the people of Giggleswick have inhabited the southern region of Malagentia, mundanely corresponding to the southern half of York County, Maine.

For many years, the people of Giggleswick suffered under the yoke of Provincial Malagentia, whose officers would scold them for imaginary crimes and confiscate their mead.[1] But Giggleswickians are a proud race, and cannot by nature submit overlong to tyranny.

So it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from King Gregor II that the whole kingdom should be registered. During the "Great Zip Code Search" of A.S. 29, Seneschal Andre of Branswatch declared in bold fashion (some say accidental) that Stonemarche included all zip codes beginning with "03". Fatefully, the zip codes of Giggleswick also began with "03".

Unwilling to let legitimate pretext go to waste, their Excellencies Stonemarche declared war on Malagentia, effective April 1st. Unfortunately, the declaration of war was delivered in Pig Latin. Malagentia didn't realize they were under attack until the following Thursday, and Stonemarche was forced to declare victory by default.

Malagentia then reclaimed Giggleswick by force of arms at the Great Northeastern War. However, as most of the inhabitants of Giggleswick at the time were members of Stonemarche households, Lady Elen Alswyth of Eriskay, a prominent Giggleswickian, pleaded that the people of Giggleswick be allowed to retain their Stonemarche alliances.

Only His Majesty, Gregor II, King of the East could settle the dispute, and in his infinite wisdom gave a Royal Edict, that Malagentia shall own the land, and Stonemarche shall own its people.

To this day, the Baronage of Stonemarche claim the title, "Protectors of the People of Giggleswick", although successors to King Gregor II have yet to expressly renew the edict...

Giggleswick has grown, and is today an official Riding of Malagentia. Its inhabitants freely cross the river that divides Stonemarche from Malagentia, and have deep ties on both sides.

On January 25 AS 59 at The Market Day at Birka, Their Majesties Matthew and Fiamuin renewed the treaty confirming that The Barony of Stonemarche is still the Protectors of the People of Giggleswick.

Occupants of Stonemarche

Citizens of Stonemarche refer to themselves as "Stonemarchians". The Major Households in Stonemarche are:

Other groups have presences within the Stonemarche Borders:

Guilds within Stonemarche Borders:


Emblazon Name Given for
Millstone Order of the Millstone Long service to Stonemarche in one of the fields: white cord for service, red cord for martial, green cord for arts.
White Gate Order of the White Gate Notable martial service.
Lamp of Apollo Order of the Lamp of Apollo Promoting an aspect of A&S.
Furison Order of the Furison Service that Sparks and inspires others
Keystone Order of the Keystone Vert Outstanding service at Pennsic, either on the field or in camp.
White Scroll White Scroll Excellence among the youth of the Barony. Also known as the "Tabula Rasa".
Baron's Pearl Baron's Pearl Excellence in historical authenticity.
Hammer Hammer of Stonemarche For a specific kind of bravery in armored combat.
Iron E Iron E For puns. Note: this award does not confer precedence; in fact, it may carry negative precedence.

Stonemarche Baronial Awards Listing


Denizens and champions, past and present, geographic and otherwise.

Name Device Baronial
A'isha Bint Jamil Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2000-09-16
Adrienne d'Evreus Adrienne dEvreus proposed arms.png Companion of the Order of the Maunche 2017-01-28
Aelfpryp the Cat Award of Arms 2014-01-25
Aelfwine Dunedain (Deceased) Aelfwinedevice.png Earl 1982-04-24
Agnieszka Mlynarska Companion of the Order of the Maunche 2002-02-02
Aine Callaghan Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2002-02-02
Alric the Younger AtY-Arms.png Award of Arms 2017-05-28
Alexandra Morgaine of Silverwood Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2019-11-09
Alheydis von Riga Alheydis von Riga device.gif Award of Arms 2007-06-09
Alecia de Berwic Award of Arms 2006-11-04
Amalia von Hohensee Amalie device.png Companion of the Order of the Laurel 2021-06-13
Anastasia of the Oaks Anastasia of the Oaks Arms.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2007-07-14
Andris Lowenstein Award of Arms 2010-08-11
Anjuili Foljambe Award of Arms 1992-01-25
Anne Gryffyth Award of Arms 2008-07-12
Arastorm the Golden Arastorm blaz.gif Countess 1982-04-24
Argus of the Seven Hills (Deceased) Award of Arms 2009-09-16
Arpidfin Vidor Companion of the Order of the Silver Mantle 2021-01-10
Artemas Maximus Chivalry 1985-06-30
Artemisia Octavia Pansa Companion of the Order of the Silver Tyger 2022-07-16
Aschenputtel of Wealdsmere Award of Arms 2012-03-30
Ástríðr Sægeirsdottir Ástriðr Sægeirrsdottir Hearldry.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2022-03-05
Aud Lifsdottir Award of Arms 2015-01-24
Azis the Knife Award of Arms 2021-05-06
Barabbas de Cilicia Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combattant 2003-06-14
Beatrice Lili Award of Arms 2010-03-06
Blosgaidh O'Ghabhain (Dana Mor) (Deceased) Companion of the Order of the Maunche 1992-07-11
Brian of Centre Downe Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel 2021-05-16
Brian of Stonemarche BrianOfStonemarche Device.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel 2017-01-28
Bruinnech Longstrider (Deceased) Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2004-07-17
Brynjolfr Rorikssen
Caitriona Meehan Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2016-01-01
Carmelina de Vicarri Companion of the Order of the Maunche 2019-01-26
Cassandra Hobbes Cassandra hobbesC.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2016-01-30
Ceara Inghean Eoin Theresa.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel 2024-09-14
Cedric of the Floppy Hat CedricFHArms.jpg Companion of the Order of Defense 2024-07-13
Cezilia Raposa Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel 2023-05-13
Christina Elizabeth (Bethra) (Deceased) Award of Arms 2001-02-03
Ciarnait inghean Bhroin Companion of the Order of the Maunche 2016-08-27
Cynric the Dabbler Sagittarius 2009-01-31
Daithi Dubh (Deceased) Award of Arms 2016-04-09
Damian MacWard Damian-Isolfsson-Wolf.jpg Award of Arms 2017-11-04
Dana the Unready Dana the Unredy's Device.PNG Sagittarius 2019-08-31
Daniel of Stonemarche (Deceased) Award of Arms 1991-04-06
Daoud al-Bodmani Dkbdev.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel 2021-09-05
David of Stonemarche Award of Arms 2010-05-29
Deirdre Planchet TerritorialBarony
Baroness Stonemarche
Domenico del Medici (Deceased) Award of Arms 2012-06-16
Dorio of the Oaks (Deceased) Dorio-of-the-Oaks-device.jpg Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2006-01-28
Duncan Forbes Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2004-04-10
Duncan Kerr DuncanKerr arms.gif Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2018-06-29
Durkin MacWard MacWard.jpg Chivalry 2022-03-05
Eadric Stoirmtorc Award of Arms 2010-05-29
Eamonn Grey Award of Arms 2022-07-16
Edgitha Hlammandi Award of Arms 2018-01-27
Eleanor fitzPatrick Eleanorfitzpatrick arms.gif Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2003-07-05
Elisabet Mathematika (Deceased)
Elise of Stonemarche Award of Arms 2010-04-10
Else von Oberfranken (Deceased) IsaHeraldry.jpg Award of Arms 2017-05-27
Emilia de Luna
Erík of Vestrgotland Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2023-01-28
Eryn FitzPatrick Award of Arms 2023-09-10
Estefania del Bosque Award of Arms 2014-11-01
Evan Hardrada HSheild.jpg Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combattant 1996-10-05
Eyva Kilcullen Award of Arms 2012-04-14
Ezekiel of Stonemarche Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel 2019-04-06
Fearghus mac Griogair Award of Arms 2013-01-26
Fia Kareman Fia.gif Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2007-03-24
Fionnghualla inghen Mhic Cealleigh T-fionnghualaC.gif Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2024-09-14
Fost of Bearbrook Freehold Award of Arms 1997-05-31
Freydis Thorsteinndottir (Frenya) Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2013-07-13
Freygerðr of Visby Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2013-01-26
Friedrich Parcifal von Österreich FriedrichParcifal.jpg Award of Arms 2007-06-09
Frostulf the Swordsman Companion of the Order of the Silver Rapier 2018-07-14
Galen of Stonemarche Companion of the Order of the Tygers Cub 2016-04-16
Galfredus of Newe Forest GalfredusNFArms.jpg Award of Arms 2019-08-31
Gareth of Stonemarche Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 1996-07-20
Gerhardt von Hohensee Hohensee device.png Companion of the Order of the Golden Rapier 2022-03-05
Gertrude Brighid Violette De Salvi
Ghita di Solari Award of Arms 2010-03-06
Gilcryst MacLochlainn Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combattant 1998-08-13
Gillianne de Solis Order of the Evergreen 2017-08-26 (Middle)
Graita Vülselîn Companion of the Order of the Silver Brooch 2018-07-14
Gregor McLaughlin Award of Arms 1997-04-13
Grimaold of Wyndhame Shire
Guillaume de Gonzac Millstone 1990-01-06
Gwenllian Rhiannon of Dragon Keep Viscountess
Gwydion Hunt
Harold von Auerbach Piggy.jpg Companion of the Order of the Laurel 1992-01-04
Heinrich von Auerbach aus Ulm Award of Arms 1991-01-19
Heinricus von Rüdensheim Award of Arms 2015-07-11
Helen Attebrooke Helen Device.png Companion of the Order of the Silver Brooch 2018-09-15
Hildemar von Regensburg Hildemar emblazon.gif Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2016-10-01
Hlífa Hrafnsdóttir
Ian Gunn Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2004-10-30
Ian Reid-McGaffin
Ichi (Ryutsume no Kazoku) CourtBarony 2018-09-29
Iddo of Stonemarche Companion of the Order of the Tygers Cub 2019-09-01
Ina Rowena of the Mist Award of Arms 1987-05-02
Iride Corsellini Award of Arms 2005-06-11
Isabel MakDonald Award of Arms 2019-08-31
Isabel of Rosley Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2006-06-24
Isobel Bennett IsabelBenet.gif CourtBarony 2012-11-10
Ishikawa no Yukitaka IshikawaBadge.jpg Award of Arms 2023-10-14
James Edmund of Aberedw Award of Arms 1992-01-25
Jana von Drachenklaue Jana-vdk.gif Duchess 1994-10-01
Janiru Spinster Companion of the Order of the Tygers Cub 2003-06-14
Jenna of the Oaks Award of Arms 2008-01-26
Jocelyn de Vaselais Award of Arms 1997-10-25
Jocelyn del Espada Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2019-07-13
Joseph le Pykard
Joshua of Allendorf Sagittarius 1991-07-27
Joshua Stewart Award of Arms 2000-04-08
Juan Lazaro Ramirez Xavier Xavier-arms.gif Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2015-08-22
Julian Ridley Sagittarius 2023-07-14
Juliana de Beumont
Julien MacBain Order of the Glove 2015-10-10 (Northshield)
Kari Stormeye Award of Arms 1994-07-03
Katarina Helene von Schonborn Millstone 1990-09-29
Katharina Helene von Hohenheim Award of Arms 2014-01-25
Katherine Fletcher Award of Arms 1988-07-09
Keagan MacKeagan Award of Arms 2016-01-30
Kelli of Whispering Oaks Award of Arms 2006-01-28
Kenelm of Tintagel Award of Arms 1998-07-18
Keziah Planchet TerritorialBarony
Baron Stonemarche
Kieran Longstrider Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2014-07-17
Kinbrough Lyons Award of Arms 1996-05-18
Knuttir Dottin Golden Sword 2017-06-17
Kristen Spinster Kris Heraldry.jpg Companion of the Order of the Maunche 2006-06-10
Krystan Foljambe Award of Arms 2014-07-12
Krzyslaw "Kythe" Szubielka Heraldry Kythe2.gif Companion of the Order of the Laurel 2021-11-13
Lalage la Peregrina Award of Arms 1997-02-01
Lasairfhiona Inghean Cheallaigh Award of Arms 2010-05-29
Laurel of Devon Award of Arms 2000-07-16
Leo MacCullan MacCullan Heraldry1 small.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2022-07-16
Leurona Winterborne Winterborne arms.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Tyger 2016-04-09
Liliana Michaella of Cinnamon Grove Companion of the Order of the Maunche 2000-02-05
Lilie of Eastham LilieEResubColor.JPG Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2015-01-24
Lionor Luis Dauiar Award of Arms 2008-09-27
Luca Spadini
Lucan von Drachenklaue Lucan-von-Drachenklaue-device.jpg Duke 1994-10-01
Lucie Lovegood LucieLovegooddevice.jpg Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2017-02-11
Lucien de Wyntere Dewynteredevice.gif Companion of the Order of Defense 2018-12-08
Lucius Cassius Magnus Companion of the Order of the Laurel 2005-08-16
Lysken die Waeyer Lyskenarms.PNG Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel 2019-04-06
Madelena Palmiere
Madog Tellier Madog.jpg Award of Arms 1998-07-11
Magdelena Grace Vane CourtBarony 2013-07-13
Magdalena von Regensburg Companion of the Order of the Maunche 2006-07-15
Magnus Morty HouseKnottySnakeDevice.png Companion of the Order of the Golden Rapier 2018-11-03
Marcel d'Armand Award of Arms 1998-09-12
Marcks von Fleckenstein Award of Arms 1997-02-01
Marcus Bowyer M B.jpg Companion of the Order of Apollo's Arrow 2021-03-05
Margaret Gresham MargaretC.gif Award of Arms 2004-07-17
Maria Pagani Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2015-08-22
Marie José de Champain Award of Arms 1998-09-27
Mariot de Berwic Award of Arms 2007-09-02
Martin Wasser Speier WasserSpeierDevice.jpg CourtBarony 2018-09-29
Matilda Wynter MatildaWynter-heraldry.jpg Award of Arms 2014-11-01
Matthew des Arden Chivalry 2014-07-26
Megan ni Laine Companion of the Order of the Laurel 1989-08-19
Michael de Calais(Deceased) Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2002-07-06
Milesenda de Bourges Award of Arms 2003-06-14
Mira of Stonemarche Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel 2024-07-13
Moira of Kildare
Morgan Arianblaidd Baron Stonemarche
Murdoch Macrae Murdoch alt2 arms.png Award of Arms 2014-04-19
Nicholas of the North Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2015-08-05
Nuala MacKensie Nualamackensiearms.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Rapier 2020-10-11
Olaf of Trollhiemsfjord (Deceased) Companion of the Order of the Maunche 2003-02-01
Ono no Fujiwara Izumi Award of Arms 1999-01-23
Onara Frizzel Award of Arms 2019-08-31
Osmond de Berwic Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2017-01-28
Rachel of Rochester Award of Arms 2009-07-11
Rachel the Goatwoman Award of Arms 1993-06-26
Rae of Stonemarche Award of Arms 2020-09-13
Ragnar MacHardy Ragnar1.jpg Sagittarius 2020-03-07
Ranalt MacFirbis Award of Arms 1992-12-19
Randall Brock Award of Arms 1997-04-12
Rebecca Tomasina da Venezia Award of Arms 2012-10-13
Rhiannon Dhubh Millstone 1999-09-05
Richard le Hauke Device Richard le Hauke.gif Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2019-09-01
Rob Roy MacThorfynn Award of Arms 1988-07-09
Robert atte Quill Award of Arms 2002-07-20
Robert of Stonemarche Companion of the Order of the Maunche 2007-07-14
Rosaline Wright Award of Arms 2006-01-28
Rosie of Flintheath Award of Arms 2023-01-28
Rowena Longstrider Award of Arms 1994-09-17
Ruadh Cruidh MacFrode Award of Arms 2000-07-16
Rutilia Fausta T-faustabadgecolor-1.jpg LuxCaidis.png 2014-07-12
Sadb Inghen Mag Samharadhain
Seaan o'Hagan Award of Arms 2001-07-21
Seosamh Ó Chóda Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 1996-02-10
Signy Kráka Award of Arms 2002-02-02
Siobhan in Sceith Girr
Solveig Bjarnardottir RenHeraldry.jpg Companion of the Order of the Maunche 2023-02-04
Sorcha Dhorcha Sorcha Dhorcha Device.png Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel 2023-28-01
Spyridon Tou Nkrizou Lykou Companion of the Order of the Silver Brooch 2019-08-31
Steffan of Silverforge Stephan-of-Silverforge.jpg Companion of the Order of the Laurel 2017-07-08
Sunniva Ormstung Companion of the Order of the Laurel 2002-02-02
Swannoc Foxton Award of Arms 2011-10-15
Syszczyna z Pieszczatki (Zenya z Piszczac) Award of Arms 2013-01-26
Seigine Ruadh Friseal Sine2.jpg Companion of the Order of the Laurel 2024-09-14
Tadgh of Stonemarche (Deceased) Award of Arms 2008-01-26
Tamooj d'Aldea Award of Arms 1986-11-01
Tegwen ferch Cydifor ap Bleddyd Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2022-03-05
Teodoro de Costello Award of Arms 2013-07-12
Tessa Martini d'Agostino Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2024-07-14
Tetsu of Stonemarche Companion of the Order of Gawain 2008-01-26
Thaddeus von Orlamunde Thaddeus von Orlamunde device.gif Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combattant 2010-05-29
Þóðrekr ógæfa (Thorthrekr Ogaefa) Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel 2020-12-13
Tomyris of Stonemarche Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel 2016-04-09
Toriijima Tsuru Tohaku Award of Arms 1985-02-16
Torquil McLeod
Trian O'Bruadair Triandevice.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Rapier 2019-07-13
Tyrvi Rotinn (Tryphena Locke of Wolfswood) Award of Arms 2000-02-05
Ulfarr Craeftig Bikkjusonr Award of Arms 2005-01-29
Ulfric Volundevson Golden Foil 2017-06-17
Uilliam mac Lennan Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2004-01-31
Uilliam Twit of Witlow Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2003-08-13
Viviana Silvarin Award of Arms 2019-01-26
Volmar Sollons Volmar.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Tyger 2018-06-02
William Ravenhair Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combattant 2001-06-30
William Smitson
Wolfgang Holzhauer Wolfgang Holzhauer color cropped.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Brooch 2022-07-16
Wulfric the Black Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2006-09-30
Wulfstan Von Croop Award of Arms 2018-06-30
Yitzhak ibn Yoshua Award of Arms 1997-02-01
Ynes Balam
Zachary Kerr Companion of the Order of the Tygers Cub 2018-05-27
Zebulon Wanders Keystone 2024-09-14

More Information


  1. Disputed.

Eastern Territories
Crown Principalities/Regions: Tir Mara, Northern Region, Central Region, Southern Region
Baronies/Provinces: Østgarðr, An Dubhaigeainn, Bergental, Beyond the Mountain, Bhakail, Bridge, Buckland Cross, Carillion, Carolingia, Concordia of the Snows, Dragonship Haven, Endewearde, Havre des Glaces, Iron Bog, L'ile du Dragon Dormant, Malagentia, Ruantallan, Settmour Swamp, Smoking Rocks, Stonemarche
Shires: Anglespur, Ar n-Eilean-ne, Avonmore, Barren Sands, Blak Rose, Bois Ardent, Caer Adamant, Coill Tuar, Coldwood, Eisental, Frosted Hills, Glenn Linn, Hadchester, Hartshorn-dale, La Selve d'Aure, Lyndhaven, Midland Vale, Montevale, Mountain Freehold, Nordenhalle, Northern Outpost, Old Stonebridges, Owlsherst, Panther Vale, Quintavia, Rusted Woodlands, Smithwick, Wyndhame
Cantons/Ridings: Appleholm, Aschehyrst, Black Icorndall, Bowman's Rest, Brokenbridge, Distant Shore, Dragon Forge, Dragon's Aerie, Fennbrycg, Forestgate, Gryphonwald, Hawkes Reache, Ivyeinrust, Keep by the Endless Sea, Lions End, Marwick, Northpass, Ravenhill, Sea Tyger's Rhyn, Seashire, Towers, Wyndriche, Ynys Y Gwaun
Other Information: Former Territories, Kingdoms