Sapphira the Navigator
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Awards: Order of Precedence |
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Title Name. SCA Biography. Selected Awards (the Wiki is not the place to do a full awards list). PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Baroness Mistress Sapphira the Navigator. I started in the East, and lived in Drachenwald, Atlantia, and the West before returning to the East. Order of the Pelican, Leaf of Merit (West), Order of the Oerthan Sword (Oertha), Queen's Order of Grace (West), Court Baroness (West), AoA (East).
Describe your persona and persona history (as much as you wish). Consider the narrative you'd like to share with someone you've just met. If you know it, what time and place does your persona inhabit? What is their status or profession? If you think it is relevant, what is their gender identity? PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Sapphira is a woman living in 12th century Arabo-Norman Sicily at the court of Roger II. My arms: Per pale azure and argent a fig leaf counterchanged. I can't figure out how to upload a picture yet.
Offices & Positions
- Name of Position, Location, mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy
- List in Chronological order, oldest to newest
PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Seneschal, Shire of Rusted Woodlands, Aug 2022 to present; Seneschal, Barony of Winters Gate (WEST), ? to 2019; Deputy Herald, Principality of Oertha (WEST); Chirurgeon, Principality of Oertha (WEST); Exchequer, Barony of Knights Crossing(DRACHENWALD), 2007-2008?; Seneschal, Chirurgeon, Herald, Shire of Rusted Woodlands (not all at once) 1992-2005.
Event Staff
- Name of Position, Name of Event, mm/dd/yyyy
- List in Chronological order, oldest to newest
PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Autocrat: Arabian Nights, Oertha Coronet, Yule, Captaincy, & a few others (Winters Gate) 2013-2019; Event Staff: Crown Tourney (West, East) (Herald, Chirurgeon), other events in Oertha, many 100 Minutes Wars; Event Minion: Pennsic (Watch, Chirurgeon, Water Bearing) and all those other events I attended where I ended up sweeping or doing dishes.
Projects & Publications
- Name of Project/Publication, Other info, mm/dd/yyyy
- List in Chronological order, oldest to newest
PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION I have many "projects" which mostly involve improving my skills as a musician, as a crafter in the fiber arts, as a dancer, and as participant in armored combat. I can muddle my way thru playing the recorder, rauschpfife, "sackbutt", and shawm. I'm a little better on percussion. I'm moderately OK as a vocalist. The sky's the limit when it comes to improvement on any and all of these. I am getting better at cord making (lucet, kumihimo, and fingerloop braiding), and have recently started to figure out both card and inkle weaving. I enjoy learning about the various kinds of garb, garb making, fabric, and fabric making. Sometimes I think I'll learn to embroider or do beading. Jewelry making sounds fun, too. So is dancing; there should be more dancing at events. Recent physical issues have put a big damper on my participation in armored combat; perhaps it's time to switch to combat archery. Publications: nope
In Case of Court
How you would like to be notified in case of court. How you would like to be notified in case of court. Also list any other details that would be important for Heralds or Scribes to know, such as your persona's gender identity, or other individuals that should be contacted for details if you prefer to be surprised. PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Either Mistress Sapphira or Baroness Sapphira is fine. Email is good.