From EastKingdomWiki
Meaning: The name Quintavia alludes to the phenomenon that, due to its geographical size, traveling anywhere in the Shire usually involves at least five major roads. The heraldry, with all its divisions, represent these roads. It also represents that the Shire is situated in the middle of Massachusetts, sandwiched between two other groups.
Established: April 1978
Blazon: Per fess indented of three points vert and argent, on a pale between in base two laurel wreaths, in chief a laurel wreath, all counterchanged.
Heraldic officer's title: Milestone Pursuivant
Awards: Keepers (recognition of distinction) and Defenders (champions)
Newsletter: The Milestone, published quarterly in March, June, September, and December (approximately), and The Waypost, a short update published the other months.
Fighting Unit(s): Quintavia Company of Archers (name and badge registered January 1986) has the following badge:
Per fess indented of three points vert and argent, a pale counterchanged overall two arrows inverted in saltire gules.
Awards Received
In August of 2016, the Shire of Quintavia was the first recipient of the Company of Fellowship, given by the hand of Kenric III and Avelina III. The Company of Fellowship is awarded once per reign to a local group who displays exceptional hospitality, service to the kingdom, and cooperation with other groups.
The group receives a banner to display alongside their heraldry: Azure, a saltcellar shedding salt within an orle argent. The initials of the bestowing King and Queen are added to the banner.
Current Officers
Please see the Shire website for the list of current officers.
Current Defenders and Keepers
The Defenders are the Shire of Quintavia’s Champions. They have won the right to bear their titles through our annual Defender’s Tourney, wherein each Defender must design and execute a tourney or competition to choose their successor. The regalia of the Defender is a cape bearing the Shire's heraldry and the symbol for their field. A list of previous Defenders can be found on here.
- Arts & Sciences:
- Heavy List: Kurfurst Matthias Grunewald
- Rapier:
- Archery: Lord Sojourner van Haarlem
- Thrown Weapons: Lord Arngeirr Refskegg
The Keepers are awards given to an individual (or sometimes a pair of individuals) who have shown the most improvement over the previous year in skill as well as promoting their area to others. They may not necessarily be the best, but have done their best while displaying courtesy and chivalry in the performance of their skill. The new recipient(s) each year are agreed upon in consultation with past recipients and the seneschal. All Keepers, past and present, may wear a badge bearing the Quintavia colors and the symbol of their area. A list of past Keepers can be found here.
- Keeper of the Chalice, Award for Arts and Sciences (created 1997): needs update
- Keeper of the Light, Award for Service (created 1997): Lady Moire of Darostur
- Keeper of the Torsem Award for Heavy List Combat (created 1997): needs update
- Keeper of the Golden Arrow, Award for Archery (created 1999): needs update
- Keeper of the Silver Blade, Award for Rapier Combat (created 2010): needs update
Web Site
Map of Quintavia