
Not Just the List

From EastKingdomWiki

by Diomedes Sebastianus as an answer to the question "Why do you fight?".

Not Just the List

Why, its been asked, do you submit to bruise?
Why pain and scars in conflict you choose?
Do you willingly battle for the right over wrong
When more often then not there's none to sing of your song?

We pluck up our courage and form in our ranks,
Fall into file and push out our flanks.
It's forward we step into hell and harms way.
And fight to the end that we may claim ours, this day.
As a hope for the better in this world ripe and thick
With ills such as slander, discourtesy, and tricks.

It is not just the lists and the fighters it fields.
It is us, and us all, and the dream which we wield.
When our voices are silent and our bones remain not,
Perhaps the cause will be noted, perhaps deeds not forgot.

© Mattyd