
Molly Blythe

From EastKingdomWiki

Ceawin and Molly EKRC SmokingRocks.jpg
Baron Ceawlin Alreding and Baroness Molly Blythe
Resides: Barony of Smoking Rocks
Awards: Order of Precedence
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Award & Office Badges


Territorial Baroness of Smoking Rocks (2013-2016). Protegeé to Mistress Asenath Chamberly of Morrismount, and co-founder of the Smoking Rocks Artisans Collective & the Shire of Smoking Rocks Peasants Collective. Active in the SCA since 1999, initially with the name Isabelle la Beguine d'Avignon and later, Lady Maria Alegrezia di Nicoletti. Now known as Baroness Molly Blythe but currently researching pre-colonial Visayan (Philippines) and Heian Japanese personas.


Baroness Molly Blythe (main persona) is vague about her past. Some believe she is the daughter of a Norman soldier and a Welsh peasant, others think she hails from the Isle of Man. She tells people she is from a small hamlet called Ardley, just outside the Oxfordshire market town of Bicester. She is married to Baron Ceawlin EAlhreding, a turnip farmer from Essex.

Offices & Positions

  • Chatelaine, Shire (and Barony) of Smoking Rocks, Sept 2002 to July 2007
  • Chronicler, Shire (and Barony) of Smoking Rocks, June 2004 to October 2013
  • Headmistress of the Barony of Smoking Rocks Pages School, September 2006 to July 2007
  • EK Chancellor Minor July 2007 to June 2010
  • Deputy Chatelaine, Barony of Smoking Rocks, July 2007 to November 2013
  • Baroness, Barony of Smoking Rocks, November 2013 to 2016
  • Seneschale, Barony of Smoking Rocks, December 2022 to present


  • Award of Arms (as Maria Alegreza di Nicoletti) (East), 6/21/2023
  • Silver Crescent (GoA) (East), 6/20/2009
  • Baroness Barony of Smoking Rocks (East), 11/9/2013
  • Court Barony (East), 9/3/2016

Event Staff

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