
Maria Charries

From EastKingdomWiki

Maria Charries image.jpeg
Maria Charries
Resides: Shire of Caer Adamant
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Charries Ibex.png

Badge: A bee per pale azure and purpure.
Award & Office Badges
Award of ArmsCompanion of the Order of the Silver BroochCourtBarony


Maria Charries (Charriez) is a 14th-century Spanish noblewoman who is mostly likely crafting or talking to animals.



  • Regalia (baldric & favor) for Fencing Champion, Shire of Hartshorn-dale (2024)
  • 11th-century Seljuk coat and tunic for Baron Eliayahu Al-Talhi's Order of Silver Rapier (2024)
  • Fencing kit inspired by 11th-century Seljuk coat for Baron Eliayahu Al-Talhi (2020)
  • Sewing assistant for Mistress Ellice de Valles’s Laurel cloak (2019)
  • Sewing assistant for Master Goerijs Goriszoon’s Pelican cloak (2018)
  • Sewing assistant for Mistress Katheryn Fontayne’s Laurel cloak (2018)
  • Sewing assistant for royal regalia of Omega V and Etheldreda IV
  • Words for the 2018 King's & Queen's Archery Champions
  • Words/lyrics for Count Arturus of Aranmore's Maunche scroll (inspired by the count's song)
  • Words for Master Goerijs Goriszoon’s Pelican scroll
  • Words for Lord Gaston leCordier's Silver Wheel scroll
  • Words for Adam Greatsword's Silver Tyger scroll (inspired by Beowulf)
  • Words for Mistress Katheryn Fontayne’s Laurel writ
  • Words for Mistress Kis Maria's, called “Mika,” Pelican scroll

Other Service

  • Food service, assistant cook for Ioannes Aurelius Serpentius's vigil
  • Retainer for Ioannes Aurelius Serpentius and Honig von Sommerfeldt
  • Retainer for Omega V and Etheldreda IV
  • Seamstress to the Crown, Omega V and Etheldreda IV
  • Videographer, SCATally YouTube channel
  • Photographer, @scamarcha on Instagram
  • Auction items and Goldkey


In Case of Court

Surprises make me anxious. In the event of court, please contact Eliyahu al-Talhi (called Tally). He's my person.

Maria & Tally in the Seljuk coat fencing coat at Birka 2020.