From EastKingdomWiki
Province of Malagentia |
![]() Purpure, a moon in her complement within a laurel wreath argent |
Information |
Founded: December 1981 |
Location: Southern Maine |
Meaning: "The Land of the Bad People". According to Maine Public Broadcasting's timeline of Maine history, in 1524, Giovanni da Verrazzano explored the coast of Maine and wrote of his travels to his sponsor, the King of France. While he encountered very friendly natives near Rhode Island, Maine's natives were less welcoming. They greeted Verrazzano's men from the height of a cliff, and refused to approach the shore. They would only trade by lowering items on a rope. When they were finished trading, Verrazzano writes that they "showed their buttocks and laughed immoderately--" in other words, they mooned the Europeans. For this, Maine earned the title terra onde la mala gente, or "the land of the bad people." Thus, both the name Malagentia and the heraldry of "a moon in her complement" are a reference to this piece of history.
Established: October 15, 1981
Branch Name and Device Registered: May, 1983
Blazon: Purpure, a moon in her complement within a laurel wreath argent
Newsletter: The Moonstone
Fighting Unit(s): Woolfe's Dragoons Rapier Company
- Prepared by Mistress Anastasia Guta
Terra Onde di Mala Gente
Although it seems likely that Norse explorers had visited our lands previously, in the year 1524, Italian navigator Giovanni da Verrazano and the crew of the La Dauphine were the first visitors to what is now our coastline to leave a written record of their visit.
It did not go well. Although the indigenous people who lived in the areas now known as Carolingia, Smoking Rocks, Bridge and Dragonship Haven were friendly to Verrazano and his crew, the residents of the Casco Bay area were not.
As Verrazano reported to King Francis I,
"We found a high land and full of very thick forests, the trees of which were pines, cypresses, and such as grow in cold regions. The people ... were full of uncouthness and vices, so barbarous that we were never able, with howsoever many signs we made them, to have any intercourse with them. . . . If, trading at any time with them, we desired their things, they came to the shore of the sea upon some rock where it was very steep we remaining in the small boat - with a cord let down to us what they wished to give, continually crying on the land that we should not approach, giving quickly the barter, nor taking in exchange for it except knives, hooks for fishing, and sharp metal. They had no regard for courtesy, and when they had nothing more to exchange, at their departing the men made at us all the signs of contempt and shame which any brute creature could make, such as showing their bare buttocks and laughing immoderately.*"
- As translated and quoted in North America: The Historical Geography of a Changing Continent, 2001.
In 1529, the explorer's brother, Girolamo de Verrazano, created a map documenting the travels of La Dauphine, and labeled the coast of Casco Bay as Terra Onde di Mala Gente - the land of the bad people.
A Shire is Founded
And thus, some 450 years later, when a fledgling shire in the East Kingdom was looking for a new name, our founders consulted what maps and books were available to them, and took inspiration from the courage of those people who drove de Verrazano from their shores, and called our group Malagentia in their honor.
Our arms, Purpure, a moon in her complement within a laurel wreath argent, also pay homage to this early meeting between Europeans and the Native people, as we display a "full moon" for all to see.
The first organizational meeting for the incipient shire was held October 15, AS XVI, at (as so many were in those days) a local gaming shop. By December of that year, Malagentia was an official SCA group, under our founding Seneschal, Baron Deormund Wulfscyld.
The Malagentian arms were passed in May, 1983
The date that Malagentia changed status from Shire to Province is unknown to us, but would have been in the mid 1990s.
What is a Province, anyway?
No, we're not our own Principality - a Province is an SCA branch group designation that is basically equivalent to a Barony, except without the ceremonial roles of Baron and Baroness. At the time we became a Province, we were one of two Provinces in the East Kingdom (Mountain Freehold was the other). Today, we are one of seven Provinces in the SCA worldwide.
As a Province, we have the right to sponsor sub-groups, just as Baronies do. The sub-groups for Provinces are called Ridings, and Malagentia has two -- Giggleswick, at our southern border, and Ravensbridge, at our northern border.
Provincial Honors
Provinces are not currently allowed to bestow official awards that are entered into the OP, however, the people of Malagentia wanted a way to recognize the good work of it's citizens. From this desire, the Provincial Honors were formed. The current honor categories, and their unregistered badges are:
- Martial - Given for contributions to and/or chivalrous displays in the martial activities worthy of attention.
Recipients: Johannes von Braunschweig, Karl Falchner, Hesychia of RavensBridge, Mat Wyck, Anna Serena, Matthew des Arden, Mora Ruadh, Joshua Mustard,
- Service - Given for services or labors worthy of attention.
Recipients: Sigrida Arnsdottir, Amée le Mort, Magnus Surtsson, Collette d’Avignon, Samuel Peter Bump, Aloysius Sartore, Cailte Crobdurg Mac Scandal, Hoarr Dunderson, Max Brandenburg, Sara Roy, Magnus Roy,
- Courtesy - Given for any actions or activities that display a level of personal generosity worthy of attention.
Recipients: Matthew des Arden,
- A&S - Given for efforts in the Arts or Sciences worthy of attention.
Recipients: Gregor von Medehem, Solveig Bjarnardottir, Sulicena filia Vassurae, Christine Violet, Maxton Gunn, Anne Meckil von Salm,
- Youth - Given for efforts and/or deeds by a youth worthy of attention.
Recipients: Galen of Stonemarche,
Provincial Champions
Provincial Championships are held in September at Harvest Moon Shoot. As is the custom, the current Champion is in charge of the competition for the following year.
2024 Champions
- Bearer of the Horn of Malagentia (archery champion) - THL Magnus Surtsson
- First Blade and Defender of the Children of Malagentia (rapier) - THL Aurelia Colleoni a'Buccafurno
- First Shield of Malagentia (armed combat) - Sir Micah of Brighton Manor
- Artisan Prime of Malagentia (A&S) - Righ Tuatha Cailte Crobdurg Mac Scandal
- Bearer of the Heart of Malagentia (thrown weapons) - Master Richard Crowe
- Adult of Last Resort (C&T) - Lord Trian O'Bruadair
2023 Champions
- Bearer of the Horn of Malagentia (archery champion) - Mistress Anne Meckil von Salm
- First Blade and Defender of the Children of Malagentia - Lord Bo of Malagentia
- First Shield of Malagentia - THL Wilhelm von Hammaburc
- Artisan Prime of Malagentia - Mistress Sulicena filia Vassurae
2022 Champions
- Bearer of the Horn of Malagentia (archery champion) - Lord Magnus Surtsson
2021 Champions
- Bearer of the Horn of Malagentia (archery champion) - Master Maxton Gunn
2018 Champions
- Bearer of the Horn of Malagentia (archery champion) - Lord Faílbe Mac Neill
2017 Champions
- Bearer of the Horn of Malagentia (archery champion) - Master Maxton Gunn
- First Shield of Malagentia - Sir Edward MacGyver dos Scorpus
- First Blade and Defender of the Children of Malagentia - Lord Trian O'Bruadair
- Bearer of the Heart of Malagentia - Sven the Cabana Boy
- Artisan Prime of Malagentia - Lady Embla Knutrdottir
- The Provincial Bard - Lord Gregor von Medehem
2016 Champions
- Bearer of the Horn of Malagentia (archery champion) - Mistress Anne Meckil von Salm
- First Shield of Malagentia - Master Richard Crowe
- First Blade and Defender of the Children of Malagentia - Dona Camille des Jardins
- Bearer of the Heart of Malagentia - Sir Cedric of Thanet
- Artisan Prime of Malagentia - Lord Gregor von Medehem
- The Provincial Bard - Lady Solveig Bjarnardottir
2015 Champions
- Bearer of the Horn of Malagentia (archery champion) - Lord Iain of Malagentia
- First Shield of Malagentia - Lord Eiríkr Øxnaháls
- First Blade and Defender of the Children of Malagentia - Lord Trian O'Bruadair
- Bearer of the Heart of Malagentia - Iain of Ravensbridge
- Artisan Prime of Malagentia - Lady Elisif Hoarrkona
2014 Champions
- Bearer of the Horn of Malagentia (archery champion) - Master Maxton Gunn
- First Shield of Malagentia - Lord Micah of Brighton Manor
- First Blade and Defender of the Children of Malagentia - Doña Camille des Jardins
- Bearer of the Heart of Malagentia - Lord Velikail of Deltuva
- Artisan Prime of Malagentia - Lady Rose Copper-Steele
2013 Champions
- Bearer of the Horn of Malagentia (archery champion) - Lord Alexandre Saint Pierre
- First Shield of Malagentia - Master Edward MacGyver dos Scorpus
- Bearer of the Heart of Malagentia - Rafael de Ayala de Santiago
2012 Champions
- Archery Champion - Lord Maxton Gunn
2010 Champions
- Archery Champion - Lord Maxton Gunn
2009 Champions
- Archery Champion - Lord Iain of Malagentia
2008 Champions
- Archery Champion - Lord Nicholas d'Olivares
2007 Champions
- Archery Champion - Lord Iain of Malagentia
- The First Shield of Malagentia - This shield dates back to AS 6 and was the first Malagentian shield to be carried into battle at Pennsic. It was brought back into circulation for use by the First Shield of Malagentia by Lord Deormund Wulfscyld, one of the founding members and first seneschal of Malagentia.
- The Heart of Malagentia - A Malagentian artifact axe carried by the winner of the annual Province Thrown Weapons Championship. This axehead with the heart-shaped cutout was gifted to the Province in 2013 by Bowden Henebry and the handle was provided by former champion Iain of Ravensbridge in 2016.
- The Horn of the Harvest Moon - A Malagentian artifact hunting horn carried by the winner of the annual Province Archery Championship. It was crafted by Lord John Fowler for the Championships of 2013.
- The Cloak of the First Blade and Defender of the Children of Malagentia - A purple and black single shoulder cloak with the Malagentian moon and laurel wreath worn by the Rapier Champion. It was made by suggestion of Trian O'Bruadair by Christiana Crane for the Championships of 2015.
- The Malagentian Songbook - A tradition started by Lord Frederick Van der Veer for the first Malagentian Bardic Championship in 2016, this book is passed from Bardic Champion to Bardic Champion. Each champion adds a song or a performance poem to its pages before passing it to the next champion.
- The Malagentian Box of Wonder - This humble box is passed from one A&S Champion to the next. Each year, the current champion fills the box with some of the tools of their trade for the next champion to experiment with. This tradition was started in 2016 by Lady Elisif Hoarrkona, who included Scribal supplies. Lord Gregor von Medehem filled the box with Leatherworking supplies.
- Malagentia Seneschal's Silver Crescent Legacy Medallion - Passed to Seneschals of Malagentia who are inducted into the Order of the Silver Crescent during their term.
The people of Malagentia refer to themselves as Malagentians. The region was once populated with the clan Veassllurd, but Vesassllurd sightings are extremely rare in Malagentia these days.
Other known clans and households common to Malagentia are
- Rolling Thunder
- House Aranmore
- Haus Wanderstamm (A medieval hunting camp; pointy, and non-child safe.)
- Clan Blackheart
- Fulton House
- Gretehed Holde
- Mac Farlin
- House of the Thirteen Oaks
- Socios Sacrorum Tygris
- House Blackthorne
- House Knotty Snake
Annual Events
- Tyger and Bucket Tavern - Spring and Fall
- Great Northeastern War (Commonly called GNE or GNEW) - July
- Harvest Moon Shoot - September
- Autumn's Inspirations - November
- Winter Feast - January
Territories of Malagentia
- Riding of Giggleswick - Stonemarche Claim to Giggleswick
- Riding of Ravensbridge
Former Territories of Malagentia
- Shire of Hadchester
More Information