
Kirsa Oyutai

From EastKingdomWiki

Mistress Kirsa Oyutai at GNEW 2022
Resides: Shire of Lyndhaven
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Per pale sable and azure, a fox sejant between three mullets of four points argent.

SpearheadBadge.jpg BeehiveBadge.jpg
A spearhead per pale Or and azure
On a beehive Or, a musical note vert
Award & Office Badges
Companion of the Order of the Pelican Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent CourtBarony Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel Companion of the Order of Apollo's Arrow

Award of Arms Sovereign's Cypher Consort's Cypher Ordre du Pélerin
Chiffre Du Baron Marksman TRR_P_Thrower
Archery Marshal Herald


Active depuis janvier 2007, Kirsa Oyutai a rejoint la SCA en allant à une pratique locale avec le (défunt) Fief du Dragonet. Quelques années plus tard, elle déménage sur le territoire de la Baronnie de l'Île du Dragon Dormant, où elle devient connue principalement comme archère. Son implication lui vaut d'être faite une Dame de la cour, en février 2013, ainsi que de recevoir le Chiffre du Baron au Havre des Glaces, en septembre de la même année. Au fil du temps, elle démontre talents culinaires au travers de banquets, devient maréchal de tir à l'arc, et s'investit en tant que héraut de cour et traductrice.

En janvier 2016, elle reçoit l'honneur d'être faite première compagnon de l'Ordre de la Roue d'Argent, à Birka. Un peu plus tard, en juillet de la même année, elle accède à l'office de Commandant de Tir à l'Arc Régionnal de Tir Mara Ouest, et un an plus tard, le poste de Héraut Badger, en septembre 2017. Au cours de la Fête des Glaces en novembre 2017, le couple Baronnial du Havre firent d'elle un membre de l'Ordre du Pellèrin, pour service rendu à la Baronnie.

Active since January 2007, Kirsa Oyutai joined the SCA by going to a local practice with the (now defunct) Shire of Le Dragonet. A few years later, she moved unto the lands of the Barony of l'Île du Dragon Dormant, where she became known mainly for being an archer. Her involvement lead to her being made a Lady of the court, in February 2013, as well as receiving the Baron's Cypher in Havre des Glaces, in September of the same year. Over time, she has shown culinary skills trough feasts, has become an archery marshal, and invests herself as a court herald and translator.

In January 2016, she has had the honor to be made the premier companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel, at Birka. A little bit later, in July of the same year, she steps up to the office of Regional Archery Commander for West Tir Mara. Due to her great involvement in court heraldry, she also steps up as Badger Herald the following year, in September 2017. During the Fête des Glaces in November 2017, the Baronial couple induct her into the Order of the Pilgrim, for service rendered to the Barony.


Je suis née à la fin de l'automne en l'an 1201, entre la rivière Renchinlkhumbe et le lac Tsagaan Morit, en Mongolie. Ma mère, Biskigur, était le shaman de sa tribu, et mon père, Tarasu, un fabricant d'arcs et marchand voyageur. Au début de sa grossesse, ma mère eut un rêve à propos d'un renard blanc, se lovant dans ses bras. Plus tard, pendant le travail, quelle ne fût pas sa surprise de voir qu'un renard attendais avec intention près de son ger. Elle le vit comme un signe, et donc, je fus nommée, Kirsa, signifiant renard de la steppe.

J'eus une enfance relativement commune, apprenant à monter chevaux ou rennes avant de savoir marcher, et tirant joyeusement de l'arc en de nombreux jeux. Je fus initiée à la chasse. Parce que ma mère se remettais difficilement de ma naissance, nous vécûmes pour un moment dans sa tribu. Quand elle se sentit mieux, la décision fût prise de retourner à Ulgii, où mon père avait de la famille. À 5 ans, je commençai a voyager avec lui, ainsi qu'à apprendre son travail. Des années plus tard, quand j'eus 10 ans, des représentants du fils du Grand Khan, Ogedei, vinrent réclamer la présence de mon père afin de fournir les armées du khan. Il s'écoula encore 4 autres années pendant lesquelles je travaillai a raffiner mes talents d'artisane, jusqu'à temps d'être moi-même recrutée pour entraîner et assister les archers. Pendant les deux années suivantes, je devins de plus en plus remarquée, non seulement en tant qu'archère, mais comme personne à l'esprit vif.

C'était pendant l'année de 1218, quand j'avais 16 ans, qu'on m'a demandé formellement de joindre la maisonnée d'Ogedei. Il était connu pour nourrir de nouveaux talents, et appréciais ma curiosité insatiable. De par ma réponse positive, on m'assigna rapidement un tuteur Uigur, ainsi que des sessions avec des érudits Perses et Chinois, qui m'apprirent les subtilités de l'étiquette, la diplomatie, ainsi que plusieurs dialectes, écrits et parlés. Bien des nuits furent passées à boire de l'airag avec Ogedei, alors que nous prenions plaisir a discuter de sujets philosophiques, ou de science, simplement pour juger de notre vivacité d'esprit.

Peu de temps avant mes premières missions pour Ogedei, celui-ci devint le successeur désigné du Grand Khan, en l'an 1219. Notre prestige s'accrût, et il nous fût permis de déménager dans un ger plus grand et riche, étant en meilleure proximité avec les quartiers du Khan, dans la capitale nouvellement fondée, Karakorum. En l'an 1223, Ogedei décida de me confier une mission diplomatique, soit de voyager sur la route de la soie, et visiter les terres des Francs. On me dit de prendre tout le temps nécessaire pour étudier leurs coutumes, et déterminer s'il serait profitable pour le Grand Khan d'établir des liens commerciaux, ou même des alliances avec ce peuple. Après m'avoir fourni des provisions, un gerege et un guide, je fis mes adieux à mes parents, et me dirigeai à l'ouest, vers ma nouvelle destinée...


I was born at the end of autumn in the year 1201, between the Renchinlkhumbe river and the Tsagaan Morit lake, in Mongolia. My mother, Biskigur, was the tribe's shaman, and my father, Tarasu, a Master Bowyer and traveling merchant. Shortly before becoming pregnant, my mother had a dream about a white fox cuddling in her arms. Later, during labor, a fox was intently waiting by her ger. She took it as a sign, and thus I was named, Kirsa, meaning steppe fox.

I had a pretty common childhood, learning to ride horses or reindeers before I could walk and shooting arrows away in endless games. I was initiated to the hunt. Because of my mother's slowly recovering health, we lived for a while with her tribe. When she got better, the decision was made to go back to Ulgii, where my father had relatives. I started traveling with him when I was 5, and also started to learn his craft. Years later, when I was 10, representatives of the Great Khan's son, Ogedei, were sent to recruit my father's skills as bowyer, to supply the Khan's army. We then all joined Ogedei's camp, where we moved our ger. It would be another 4 years during which I continued to hone my craft, until I was recruited to train and assist archers. During the two following years, I increasingly became noticed, not only as a good archer, but as one with a clever mind.

It was in the year 1218, when I was 16, that I was asked to formally join Ogedei's household. He was notorious for nurturing talents, and liked my insatiable curiosity. Upon my positive answer, I was quickly provided with a personal Uighur teacher, along with sessions with a Persian and Chinese scholars, who taught me about the finer points of etiquette, diplomacy, and in speaking and writing many dialects. Many a late night was spent drinking airag with Ogedei, where the two of us would discuss science or philosophy topics, to mutually assess our mental sharpness.

Shortly before my firsts missions for Ogedei, he was designated by the Great Khan to be his successor in 1219. Our prestige grew, and we were allowed to move to a bigger and richer ger, closer to the Khan's quarters, in the newly founded capital city of Karakorum. By the year 1223, Ogedei decided to entrust me with a diplomatic mission, to travel on the silk road, and visit the lands of the Franks. I was told to take as much time as I needed to study their customs, and see about establishing any commercial trades, or even alliances that could benefit the Great Khan. After providing me with supplies, a gerege and a guide, I made my goodbyes to my family, and headed off west, towards my new destiny...

Offices & Positions

  • Dextrochere Herald, June 2023 to now
  • Badger Herald, January 2017 to now
  • Herald at Large, September 2013 to now
  • Archery Marshal, September 2012 to now
  • Eastern Crown Herald for the Reign of Mohammad and Corotica, October 2022 to April 2023
  • Tir Mara Archery Commander West, July 2016 to October 2022
  • Deputy Hibou Blanc Herald, February 2016 to September 2017

Event Staff

  • Autocrat, West Tir Mara Archery and Thrown Weapons Regional Practice, 05/12/2018
  • Autocrat, 18th Baronial Investiture Anniversary of Havre des Glaces, 03/24/2018
  • Feastocrat (Feast and Dayboard), King and Queen's Rapier Championship, 02/09/2013
  • Cooking team (Dessert), Tir Mara University, 10/06/2012
  • Archery MIC, Mondragon War Camp, 2012
  • Feastocrat (Dayboard), All Things Scribal, 07/02/2012
  • Feastocrat (Feast and Dayboard), Ile du Dragon Dormant Investiture Anniversary, 03/03/2012


I am in fealty to the Crown of the East.
"Moi, Kirsa Oyutai, jure fidélité à la Couronne de l'Est. De protéger ses gens et ses terres de mon arc, ainsi que d'offrir mon conseil lorsque nécessaire.
De mes privilèges, j'userai avec prudence, de mes obligations, je m'acquitterai prestement.
Par ces paroles, je me dédie au service de mes Suzerains. Telle est ma promesse et mon serment, fait en ce jour d'hui."

Royal Foresters


  • Application, 13/10/2022
  • Underforester promotion at GNEW, 15/07/2023
  • Forester promotion at Birka, 28/01/2024
  • Application for Ranger Trial, 10/09/2024
  • Ranger Trial to come, September 2025
  • Master Forester in progress


Kirsa Oyutai, a Scythian from the late 4th century BC, hails from the Altaï region, now part of Russia. She is a stock rearer. Her main occupation is breeding riding horses and managing a large herd of fine-wool sheep, along with a few family animals, such as cows and goats. When she is not busy tending the animals, she hunts or goes to trade with neighbouring groups to acquire goods and sell their production.

From a young age, Kirsa lived in a small tribe of about 20 to 30 dwellings, largely made up of her extended family. During her early years, she learned how to ride horses almost before walking, and shortly then after learned to shoot a tiny bow. Considering the nomadic way of life of her tribe, being able to ride and defend oneself while being on the move is of utter importance.

While a formal education was not something that was available, her mother and other extended family members taught Kirsa all that she'd need to survive and provide for herself. In addition to the art of war, she learned to spin, sew, weave, and embroider. While she wasn't particularly skilled at fiber arts, she knew the basics and could use them if need be. The box containing her weaving cards, spinning whorl, distaffs, thread and needles was one of her most prized possessions. Given the scarcity of wood, a box containing such fine carved wooden tools was something to preciously keep. She's only use it every so often, because her family usually traded for that kind of labor, but she did enjoy taking on a project sometimes regardless, especially in the colder months. One of the activities that afforded them to trade was that Kirsa had shown the makings of being a skilled hunter, and she supplemented their income by catching small fur animals like sable or ermine, which were in high demand for luxury coats.

Now in their golden years, both Kirsa's parents had transitioned from respected warriors to revered elders. While everyone in the family still provided for the herd, Kirsa had grown to be a capable commander, ready to fend off any assailants and naturally becoming more active in her duties. Thankfully, peace prevailed most of the time, with only a few occasional skirmishes, and her tribe prospered.

Spring and Summer
As summer approached, most families relocated to lusher pastures, erecting conical felt-covered tents supported by long wooden poles. Cooking fires were set outside, and good weather allowed most to spend their time outside.The herds were moved as a single unit, mixing all kinds of animals together. This way, the herds required minimal supervision. Early summer was for birthing animals and milking them. Because milk will spoil relatively quickly, all milks were mixed together in leather pouches for this production. It was also time to shear the sheep for their fleeces.

Once this task was accomplished, horses would be loaded with merchandises and a trading delegation would be organized. It was the perfect occasion to acquire out of region and exotic items, exchange news and renew alliances. Jewellery and personal adornments made of bronze or gold were popular, but humbler materials also were sought after, such as dyes, coriander seeds, hemp or birch bark. It was an excellent time for completing their diets, before the harsher months came along.

Fall and Winter
As winter approached, they packed up their belongings and returned to a more sheltered, permanent settlement. Their cold season location was made up of sturdier structures, namely, log cabins, that were partially dug out of the ground. To provide insulation, floors were covered with heavy felted rugs featuring bright motifs, while walls displayed intricate felt tapestries depicting hunting scenes. A fire could be maintained indoors, as an opening in the roof allowed smoke to escape. The space was also lit with fat fuelled lamps that were often rectangular, carved out of a single block of sandstone, with, or without feet.

Furniture was minimal but the dwelling cozy. Low tables featuring turned legs were decorated with cinnabar and surrounded by pillows made of fur stuffed with deer hair to sit on. A raised platform would be used as a sleeping area, covered with more pillows and lots of heavy winter pelts. Low wooden stools were used to provide additional seating. Walls would also have been used to store equipment, displaying armor and weapons, hung from bronze hooks. To protect the home, a small altar would have been found with some ritual vessels, where blessings would have been obtained for luck, strength, or special favours, as needed.

In fall, animals would be slaughtered for their meat and the whole tribe would participate to the communal task. Multiple fires would be going for several days to dry and smoke the meat for preservation, and the whole village feasted for what seemed like days, celebrating their successful year. Foraged items from the summer were placed in cold storage, or dried as well.

As winter grew, while the herds could still manage by themselves, since the heavy winds always prevented snow accumulation on the southern faced slopes, the more delicate and valuable horses, some young animals and the finer sheep were kept in a protected enclosure where they'd have their diet supplemented with hay stored from the summer so as not to suffer too much from the harsh conditions.

When the weather was unforgiving, it was a great time to hone some carving skills. Horn was abundant, and so were bones, after having been emptied of their delicious fattening marrow. Bone was the perfect material to carve small rounded containers, chopsticks, spoons, needles, or even combs. Wood would also be carved for producing bigger dishes, such as cups, bowls or platters for daily use. These were the things to occupy the hands and mind when nothing else could be done.

Kirsa was fortunate; during these trying times, she enjoyed relative stability and a period of prosperity, displaying her wealth and power through her large stock holdings. Her means afforded her political influence and a good standard of life, along with the respect of her fellow tribe members. She could travel farther than most people could afford to, due to her access to excellent riding horses, and had more time than most to devote to other pursuits. This resulted in access to superior goods and new cultural experiences, widening her world views.


  • Carve a sheath for a hatchet
  • Make some waxed linen wrappers
  • Create some birch bark containers
  • Build a pack frame for hauling my tent and gear
  • Make a red maple walking stick
  • Weave a card woven wool band for a carrying strap for a hunting horn
  • Carve some wooden pegs for my tent
  • Make a pair of leather shoes
  • Assemble a portable sewing kit
  • Embroider a game bag for dice


  • Reference material

-Medieval Tastes; Food, Cooking, and the Table, by Massimo Montanari
-Frozen Tombs of Siberia, The Pazyryk Burials of Iron-Age Horsemen, by Sergei I. Rudenko

In Case of Court

Maerwynn in Danska is a good person to let know. Mistress Perronnelle de Croy should be aware. Sister Emma of Lyndhaven should also know. She's local to me and we often travel together.
Please schedule awards for me out of my region ! While you can catch me at a Tir Mara event in Western Tir Mara (Ile du Dragon Dormant or Havre des Glaces), I travel plenty to the Central Region and Northern Region. It could even be Southern Region, but I do attend less of their events due to distance. Do not hesitate to suggest events out of Tir Mara.
I absolutely love surprises, please shennanigan away and proceed with ALL the secret dockets !

Projects & Publications

Here are some pictures of various projects I have worked on in the past

Culinary Arts

Textile Arts

Other Arts

Scroll Gallery

Those are the scrolls I have received for different awards.