
Kiril Al-Ghadab Hallamet

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Sayyid Kiril Al-Ghadab Hallamet
Resides: Havres des Glaces
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence

Virtue and Knowledge
Award & Office Badges
Award of Arms Blue Tyger Legion Companion of the Order of the Silver Tyger Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combattant Blue Tyger Legion
Barony of Havres des Glaces Chronicler


Starting the SCA at around 2015, coming in from other medieval events, he began the long arduous climb of adapting to the heavy fighting. In mundane life, has studied music theory/history and double bass, a bulky beast that might not ever see an actual event.

Has found his love of the SCA from seeing the amount of work everyone freely give to each other to make it worth all of those full-day drives, and hopes he can give back in kind.

Man-at-Arms in the house of Al-Karakal

Member of the scout unit Running with Scissors

Member of the fencing unit The Blue Claws Compagny

Member of La Guilde Secrète

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At Beltaines' Spear and Dagger tournament

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Being authorized for greatsword fencing at Beltaines

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Heading for Rose Tournament at Pennsic XLIX. All above pictures by Wanda Golemic in 2022.


Mamluks are soldier-slaves of the Middle-East around the 14th century. They define themselves by the science of horsemanship and warfare, along with the spirit of social solidarity.

The Furusiyya and the Asabiyyah

These are the values at the core of every member of the house of Al-Karakal.

Offices & Positions

Knight-Marshall, Barony of Havres des Glaces (October 2018 - Active)

Chronicler, Barony of Havres des Glaces (February 2019 - Active)

Event Staff

Projects & Publications

Guide de L'Héraldique 101

A comprehensive guide in French from the basis of heraldry (history,colors) to the more complex concepts (grammar, forms, charges, etc.)


Guide du Nouveau Membre SCA, traduction en français

A translation of the New Member's Guide to the SCA, by the Society of Creative Anachronism Inc., 2008


Entraînement pour Exceller au Combat en Armure SCA, traduction en français

A translation of the Guide to Excell in Armored Combat in the SCA by Torvald Sigurdsson, MSCA (Chris Farnsworth), 2020


In Case of Court

More Information