
Kingdom Social Media Officer

From EastKingdomWiki

The Kingdom Social Media Officer supervises the use of all official social media outlets of the East Kingdom, including those of local branches and other Kingdom Offices, in accordance with the policies of the Society Office of Social Media. He/she supervises and provides assistance in creating official social media presence for kingdom and local branch events, assists Kingdom Officers who wish to create an official social media presence for their Office, is responsible for the rostering of local branch social media officers, and maintains a current list of all East Kingdom branch social media outlets and their administrators. They report to the Kingdom Seneschal.

Kingdom Social Media Officers of the East Kingdom

Name Start Date
Audrye Beneyt July 2017
Ivan Matfeevich Rezansky November 2019
Astrid Eiriksdottir November 2021

Officers of the East Kingdom
Offices: Crown, Arts & Sciences, Chatelaine, Chronicler, DEIB, Exchequer, Herald, Lists, Marshal, Seneschal, Signet, Webminister, Youth,

Officer Groups: College of Heralds, Pikestaff, University, War College
Other Information: Kingdom Law, Greater Officers of State, Lesser Officers of State