
Kingdom Historian

From EastKingdomWiki

The Kingdom Historian collects and records the history of the East Kingdom.

Kingdom Historians of the East Kingdom

Name Start Date
Colin Andras September 1983
Bertram of Bearington November 1984
Steffan ap Cenydd of Silverwing May 1988
Caitlin Davies December 1989
Burkhardt von Nürnberg November 1998
Michel Wolffauer April 2003
Naomi bat Avraham July 2012
Magdelena Carminante ??
Halldis Ulfsdottír February 2019
Bryan Mac Dhunghaill an Boghadair July 2023

Officers of the East Kingdom
Offices: Crown, Arts & Sciences, Chatelaine, Chronicler, DEIB, Exchequer, Herald, Lists, Marshal, Seneschal, Signet, Webminister, Youth,

Officer Groups: College of Heralds, Pikestaff, University, War College
Other Information: Kingdom Law, Greater Officers of State, Lesser Officers of State