
Jacqueline Cross

From EastKingdomWiki

Jacqueline Cross
Resides: Shire of Hartshorn-dale
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Per bend sinister counter-ermine and ermine, a dragon passant contourny gules and a bordure counterchanged.
Award & Office Badges
Companion of the Order of the Golden Rapier Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent Companion of the Order of the Silver Rapier Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel Order of the Star of Bhakail Order of the Flame and Salamander Order of the Harlequin
Member of the Tadcaster MilitiaFencing Marshal


Admiral Jacqueline Cross lives in late period Elizabethan England. She described herself as an "honest merchant sailor," (please do not ask where the goods she was selling came from) though she also holds a letter of marque from both the Barony of Bhakail and the East Kingdom.

She has recently retired from naval service, to return to her homeland of Hartshorn-Dale, to live in a quiet cottage in the woods, along with a small flock of ravens. She spends her days there caring for the flock, tending her garden, working on herbal recipes and pultices for the local village, and providing various other services.

Jacqueline takes pride in being a servant to her household, the East Kingdom fencing community, and to the Shire of Hartshorn-Dale.


Hic sto. Alieter non possum Here I stand. I can do no other.

Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.


  • Award of Arms, 2006
  • Companion of the order of the Silver Rapier, 2013
  • Companion of the order of the Flame and Salamander (Bhakail, 2014)
  • Twice Rapier Champion, Barony of Bhakail, 2013-2014 & 2015-2016
  • Holder of a Letter of Marque & Reprisal from the Barony of Bhakail, August 2014- June 2017
  • Companion of the Order of the Harlequin (Bhakail, 2016)
  • Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel (2016)
  • Companion of the Order of the Golden Rapier (2017)
  • Holder of a Letter of Marque & Reprisal from the Barony of Bhakail, December 2017- present
  • Admiral of the Bhakail Navy, December 2017- January 2023
  • Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent (2023)


Service and Arts

  • Rapier Marshal at Large
  • Marshal in Charge, River War, 2014
  • Producer of fine silk banners for in heraldic display by local baronies, friends, and household members
  • Teacher of silk banner making at numerous local and household events
  • Leatherworker
  • Shire Rapier Marshal, Hartshorn-Dale 2022-present

In Case of Court

Jacqueline does not wish to be surprised by being called into court. She prefers to know ahead of time that this will happen if at all possible. Jacqueline is fine with receiving awards in virtual court.


Jacqueline is touch averse. Please ask before touching, hugging or initiating any other form of physical contact.

Preferred Pronouns

Jacqueline's pronouns are She/Her/Hers. She will accept being refered to with gender neutral prouns such as They/Them

Alternate Persona info

  • Karasu - late 16th century Japanese Oni-Bushi
  • Hrefna Odinsdóttir - unknown time Norse