
Inn of Bards Rest

From EastKingdomWiki

Inn of Bard's Rest 2023
Founded: January 1st, 2000 (AS )
Status: Active
Tenne a Backed Chair in bend sable
Award Badges
Official Bottle Label


Welcome to the Inn of Bard's Rest. We are a Household of Entertainers, Archers and Brewers mostly located in the Barony of Stonemarche in the Kingdom of the East.


QUAFFTIDE! A 16th century, one word announcement that it's time to drink.

Members of the Inn of Bard's Rest

Members and Patrons:

Name Device Member
Date Status
Aibinn Ingen Eremon Michelle Heraldry.gif Arc d'Or of Ansteorra 2021-08-21 Member
Amy of Quintavia Award of Arms 2024-12-07 Patron
Argus of the Seven Hills Black Banner Flag PNG Clipart.png Award of Arms 2009-09-16 Memoriam
Azis the Knife Aziz.gif Award of Arms 2021-06-13 Member
Cassandra Hobbes Cassandra hobbesC.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent 2016-01-30 Patron
Ceara Inghean Eoin Theresa.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel O2024-09-14 Patron
Cedric of the Floppy Hat CedricFHArms.jpg Companion of the Order of Defense 2024-07-13 Patron
Conri McPherson Award of Arms 2018-05-27 Patron
Else von Oberfranken Elsa1.jpg Award of Arms 2017-05-27 Memoriam
Fionnghualla inghen Mhic Cealleigh T-fionnghualaC.gif Companion of the Order of the Pelican 2024-09-14 Patron
Gertrude Brighid Violette De Salvi Member
Ishikawa Yuki'o IYB.jpg Award of Arms 2023-10-14 Patron
Isobel Bennett IsabelBenet.gif CourtBarony 2012-11-10 Member
Kristen Spinster Kris Heraldry.jpg Companion of the Order of the Maunche 2006-06-10 Patron
Krzyslaw "Kythe" Szubielka Heraldry Kythe2.gif Companion of the Order of the Laurel 2021-11-13 Head
Laurel of Devon Award of Arms 2000-07-16 Member
Madog Tellier Madog.jpg Award of Arms 1998-07-11 Member
Marcus Bowyer M B.jpg Companion of the Order of Apollo's Arrow 2021-03-05 Member
Margaret Gresham MargaretC.gif Award of Arms 2004-07-17 Patron
Meara MacNeil Etain.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel 2023-10-14 Patron
Mira of Stonemarche Morrigan.gif Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel 2024-07-13 Member
Onara Frizzel OF.jpg Award of Arms 2019-08-31 Member
Rosaline Wright HHDragonfly.jpg Award of Arms 2006-01-28 Patron
Ruadh Cruidh MacFrode Award of Arms 2000-07-16 Member
Seigine Ruadh Friseal Sine2.jpg Companion of the Order of the Laurel 2024-09-14 Head
Solveig Bjarnardottir RenHeraldry.jpg Companion of the Order of the Maunche 2023-02-03 Member
Spyridon Tou Nkrizou Lykou Companion of the Order of the Silver Brooch 2019-08-31 Member
Lord Wladislaw Nyilas Award of Arms 2021-08-21 Member
Wolfgang Holzhauer Wolfgang Holzhauer color cropped.jpg Companion of the Order of the Silver Brooch 2022-07-16 Member
Zebulon Wanders Keystone 2024-09-14 Member

The Gamblers

One of our favorite groups of people to hang out with that we consider a staple here in the Inn is the 3 individuals: Sylvain du Soleil , Eseld An Goarnic, and Nickolai Tseppelin or "The Gamblers" as we call them.
Gamblers.jpg They are as much friends as part of the decore here at our House.

In memoria


Inn of Bard's Rest "House Cup" given to those who have shown talent in either Bardic or Brewing. Recipients are neither Patrons nor Members of the Household.

BR Cup.gifBard's Rest House CupTalent in Bardic or Brewing


More Information

Although the Household started in Jan of 2000, the actual bar (furniture) wasn't invented until 2006. The Bar is now 18 years old and counting.

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