
Galefridus Peregrinus

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Magister Galefridus Peregrinus
Resides: Barony of Settmour Swamp
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Galefridus arms.gif
Azure, a chevron gules fimbriated between three stag’s heads caboshed argent.

Galefridus badge.JPG
(Fieldless) A palmer's staff argent and overall a palmer's scrip sable
Award & Office Badges
Companion of the Order of the PelicanCompanion of the Order of the Laurel

Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent Companion of the Order of the Maunche Queen's Order of Courtesy Award of the Golden Lyre Award of Arms

Order of the Bronze Tower Order of the Ivory Tower

Mentor Chirurgeon


Magister Galefridus Peregrinus lives in the Barony of Settmour Swamp and has been in SCA since 2003. Formerly protégé to Baronne Jehannine de Flandres, he was elevated to the Pelican at River Wars in September A.S. XLVIII (2013) and to the Laurel at Mudthaw in March A.S. LII (2018).


Magister Galefridus is one of the masters at the relatively newly formed University at Cantebrigge, where he teaches the newer practices of medicine as brought to England by soldiers returning from Crusade in the Mussulman lands. Magister Galefridus often visits these lands, where he is known as Abu Maryam J‘afar ibn Binyam al-Hajj.

Offices & Positions


  • Emidio Di Arquata (Protégé)
  • Yagyu no Kagetoki (Apprentice)

Present & Former Event Staff

  • Event Steward, Quest XXXV (May 2019)
  • Event Steward, Spring Crown Tournament (May 2017)
  • Feast Steward, Quest XXXI (May 2015)
  • Event Steward, Mudthaw (March 2015)
  • Event Steward, Southern Region Scriptorium and Heraldic Symposium (January 2014)
  • Chirurgeon-in-Charge, Pennsic War XLI (July and August 2012)
  • Emergency Deputy Chirurgeon-in-Charge, Pennsic War XL
  • Deputy Chirurgeon-in-Charge for Planning, Pennsic Wars XXXVIII - XXXIX
  • Event Steward, Quest XXVIII (May 2011)
  • Event Steward, Chirurgy and Cooking: A Winter Schola (January 2010)
  • Chirurgeon and Chirurgeon-in-Charge, numerous events in and out of Settmour Swamp


Chirurgeonate; medieval Islamic and Mediterranean food and cooking; early history of cereal grains and their products; food pickling and preservation; the medieval Islamic kitchen; history and development of humoral medicine.

I encourage those who have questions about my areas of study or service to reach out to me via Facebook (Galefridus Peregrinus) or email (galefridus AT optimum DOT net). Those interested in mentorship should feel free to contact me in the same way.

Projects and Accomplishments

  • St. Eligius Pentathlon winner, November 2012
  • Cleaning cooking vessels
  • Olive cures from around the Mediterranean
  • Food and drink as medicine
  • Medieval Islamic sweets and confections
  • Origins and applications of humoral theory
  • Research and use of medieval Middle Eastern and North African cookware
  • History of cereal grains, focusing especially on non-bread foods (couscous, bulgur, etc.)


Evolution and Application of Humoral Theory in the Medieval Kitchen. Paper presented at the 16th Leeds International Medieval Congress, July 2016. Authored under my mundane name.

The Tacuinum Sanitatis: a Medieval Health Manual. Petits Propos Culinaires 99 (Nov. 2013), 69-89. Authored under my mundane name.

Curing olives: six methods. Stefan's Florilegium (18 May 2013); Stefan's Florilegium (25 Feb 2012);

Carrot and date khabīs. Stefan's Florilegium (5 May 2013); This article has been reprinted in the August 2013 issue of The Page, the newsletter of the West Kingdom.

Smoked olives. Stefan's Florilegium (25 Feb 2012); This article has been reprinted in the December 2013 issue of The Page, the newsletter of the West Kingdom.

Cleaning earthenware and stone pots. Stefan's Florilegium (17 Mar 2013);

A poultry and broth dish for the sick. Stefan's Florilegium (17 Mar 2013);

Preferred titles and pronouns

I prefer “Magister Galefridus.”

Please use standard English masculine pronouns (he/him/his).

In case of Court

I prefer to be surprised. Ethereal Court is an appropriate venue.