
Fiore and Frithuric

From EastKingdomWiki

Their Excellencies Fiore and Frithuric.jpg
Fiore and Frithuric at their estate in Carolingia
Baron: Frithuric Ulman
Baroness: Fiore Leonetta Bardi
Baronage of: Carolingia
Preceded by: Thomas and Raziya
Succeeded by: Presently Seated

Barony of Carolingia
Azure, a pall wavy and in chief a laurel wreath or
Founded: November 1970 (AS VI)
Location: Greater Boston, MA


Invested by Emperor Ioannes Aurelius Serpentius and Empress Honig von Sommerfeldt on September 11th, 2021 at Falling Leaves in Exile in the Barony of Carolingia. The investiture was pre-recorded on September 4, 2021 at Harpers Retreat in the Barony of Stonemarche (through the grace of our cousins, Baron Keziah Planchett and Baroness Deirdre Planchett) upon the sacred soil of Carolingia.

The Barony and Their Majesties Tindel and Emerson being in agreement, Fiore and Frithuric will begin a second term as Barone e Baronessa di Carolingia in September 2024.


Baronial Arts and Sciences Champion

Baronial Performing Arts Champions

  • Baroness Anne of Framingham, Winter Nights, 2024 (present)
  • i Sebastiani The Greatest Commedia dell'Arte Troupe in the Whole World, Falling Leaves, 2021

Baronial Champion-at-Arms

Baronial Rapier Champion(s)

Baronial Archery Champion

Baronial Thrown Weapons Champion

Poet of Carolingia

First Poet of Carolingia

Baronial Household

Castelana (Chief of Staff)

Ciambellano (Chamberlain)

Prima Dama di Corte (Head Retainer)

Prima Voce (Herald Coordinator)

Elargizione (Largesse Coordinator)

Maestra di Musica (Head Musician)

Condottiere (Captain of the Baronial Guard)

  • Pending

Sastre (Wardrobe Coordinator)

  • Pending
