
Ekaterina Scherbatskaya

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Resides: Shire of Panther Vale
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
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Award & Office Badges


Lady Екатерина (Катюша) Ивановна Щербатская, AoA, OoT

Катюша (Katyusha) attended her first event before the age of one year. She was born and raised in the Shire of Panther Vale. She has been an archer since the age of five, and a martial since the age it was allowed. She has been sewing since toddler-hood, but started sewing for the SCA in earnest in adulthood. She has run demos, co-autocratted an event, and earned an award for her singing.


Lady Екатерина Ивановна Щербатская, known to her friends as Катюша, was born sometime between the year 1000 and 1200 on the outskirts of Kiev. She is the daughter of a landowner, unmarried, educated, and has travelled at least as far as Novgorod. She is a practitioner of the Arts and Sciences, archery, and may be an adherent of двоеверие.

Offices & Positions

Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences, Shire of Panther Vale, 10/01/2023 to current

Event Staff

Co-Autocrat, Panteria XXVI, 05/26/2023

Projects & Publications

In Case of Court

In case of court, please contact THL Aldís Þorbjarnardóttir, and Pomestnik Ivan Sergeavich Scherbatskoy

More Information