
Danr' Grimsson

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Pennsic 49 (2022) Unbelted Champions
Resides: Shire of Owlsherst
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Quarterly Sable & Argent, a Badger Rampant OR Marked Sable. (It's the best I have right now)
A badger head, mouth open
(Fieldless) A badger's head erased within and conjoined to an annulet Or.

Award & Office Badges
Award of Arms Companion of the Order of the Silver Tyger Companion of the Order of the Tygers Combattant


Danŕ joined the SCA in 2017 and is the camp master of House Silverkeep. He and his wife, Asa Danskona, and son, Alexander, reside in the Shire of Owlshurst (York, PA), located in the far southwest region of the East Kingdom. He enjoys heavy fighting and plans on fencing, archery, & CA - ALL THE THINGS!

In Arts and Sciences, he is willing to learn anything anyone is willing to teach him. Currently, he assists in a glass shop (Historical Glassworks) when he has time, as well as armor and leather working. For some time he also was a beekeeper and taught a class (beekeeping on a peasant's pittance) a Pennsic.

Member of House Silverkeep


950 - 1000

Kievan Rus - Druzhina Warrior

Danŕ traveled with Prince Sviatoslav I in 965 during the Conquest of Khazaria to the Volga River Valley. In 970, Danŕ went abroad with one of Prince Sviatoslav I's sons, Vladimir the Great, named Prince of Novgorod (from his father), until 978, when they returned to consolidate the realm from the Baltic Sea to the Gulf of Finland against Bulgarians, Baltic Tribes, & Eastern Nomads. Danŕ then retired to the life of trader to sell his honey from his bees and skins from hunting.


In Case of Court

  • Please contact Asa Danskona - (Jessica Enterline)
  • Scribal / Medallion preferences: I know it's not always possible but I would prefer someone that knows me so they could add a personal touch.
  • I have a Kievan Rus - Druzhina Warrior persona. Jelling or Mammen styles fit my time period.
  • I am obsessed with Honey Badgers, or anything Norse. I would prefer colors that would go with my heraldry (white, black, gold) but not a must if something else is fitting.

In Case of Peerage


  • I would prefer it to be a surprise.
  • Events: Pennsic would be 1st choice 2nd would be any bigger fighting event
  • I would hope for someone to record it.

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