Corotica merkka Senebelenae
From EastKingdomWiki
Photo |
Corotica merkkā Senebelenae (Clovis) |
Information |
Resides: Shire of Mountain Freehold |
Status: Active |
Awards: Order of Precedence |
Heraldry |
Per chevron gules and sable, a wolf courant and a wheat stalk argent |
Award & Office Badges |
Corotica merkkā Senebelenae (Clovis)
Pronnounced: Car-RAT-tick-hah merch[like merchant] Sen-EH-bell-ahn-uh.
Fighter, fencer, forester, fisher, artist, brewer, cook, middling crafter, garb procrastinator, Countess, Rose, and equestrian.
Corotica's Favor
I portray antiquity persona(s). I normally portray an Iron Age Pre-Roman and Romano-British persona from the Silures tribe in Southern Wales. I also portray Bronze age Hallstatt culture and Iron age Le Tene culture on the European continent, these cultures were considered proto-Celtic and Celtic, respectively. My time period ranges from about 2000 BCE - 100 CE.
I occasionally dip into Roman, Greece (specfically as a Hetaria), and later periods (13th century).
Here are some links that tell you a little about my personas. Keep in mind these are overviews. :)
- Silures Tribe -
- Roman Britain -
- Celtic Culture -
- La Tene Culture -
- Hallstatt Culture -
- More Hallstatt
- British Iron Age -
- More British Iron Age -
- Celtic Clothing -
- Clanne Preachain, a Multi-Kingdom Household
- Fir naLeon SCA Household
- Ironhearth, SCA Household
- Member of Damen aus dem Hause Kitzingen
- Foxglove House, an Artisans Household in Meridies through Clanne Preachain
- East Kingdom Army Northern Legion, Third Cohort
- East Kingdom Running with Scissors stabbygirl.
- Squire to Euric Germanicus
Guild and Group Memberships
- Shire of Mountain Freehold
- East Kingdom Royal Foresters Guild and Atlantian Royal Forestry Guild
- East Kingdom Brewers' Guild
- Stonemarche Apothecary Guild
- Known World Courtesans
Awards and Recognition
- Order of the Laurel, 24 February 2024
- Master Brewer, 2 October 2023
- Order of the Rose, 1 April 2023
- County, 1 April 2023
- Sovereign’s Order of Excellence, August 2022
- Silver Wheel, Les Beltaines, June 2022
- Order of the Maunche, East Kingdom Ethereal Court, 20 February 2022
- Silver Tyger, Mimir’s Well 2020
- Winner of Early Period A&S Competition for "Moretum", Mimir’s Well 2020, populace vote
- Silver Brooch, Panteria 2018
- Award of Arms, Panteria 2018
- GrandWarden of Atlantia, Atlantia Royal Forestry Guild
- Master Forester, East Kingdom Foresters Guild
- Chief Ranger of the Western Marches, East Kingdom Royal Foresters Guild, Order of Saint Hubert
- Ranger, East Kingdom Royal Foresters Guild, Order of Saint Hubert
- Grandmaster Forester, East Kingdom Royal Foresters Guild
- Journeyman, East Kingdom Brewers' Guild
- Reaper, 100 Day Pell Challange
Offices & Positions
- Consort of the East Kingdom - October 1 2022 - April 1 2023
- Heir Consort of the East and Tir Mara - 7 May 2022 - 1 October 2022
- Sovereign's Arts and Sciences Champion 5 March 2022 - 1 October 2022
- Keeper of Mountain Freehold: East Kingdom Royal Forester Guild October 2019 - October 2022
- Chief Ranger of the Western Marches: East Kingdom Royal Forester Guild October 2019 - October 2022
- Founder, Warden of Atlantia and Warden of the North, for the Kingdom of Atlantia Royal Forestry Guild, 10/2016 - 10/2017.
Event Staff
- Feastocrat, Bloodfeud In The Danelaw: A Viking Age Immersion Event 9/30-10/1/2023 Menu
- Autocrat, Feast of Fools, Shire of Mountain Freehold, 04/13/2019
- Co-Autocrat with Lady Katherine Slough, Feast of Fools, Shire of Mountain Freehold, 04/15/2018
- Host, various Mountain Freehold Foresters Guild meetups/events
- Chionomeli, 10th Century. Paneled 24 April 2022. Score: 97.6/100
- Cyder c.1653. Paneled 7 November 2021. Score: 91/100
- East Kingdom Laurels Challenge May 2021: Non Alcoholic Medieval Beverages
- The Drink of Great Roots, 13th Century Paneled 18 July 2021. Score: 97/100
- Clare House Ale c. 1355 Paneled 5 February 2021. Score: 93/100
- Wild Spring Edibles in (and around) The Shire of Mountain Freehold
- East Kingdom Crown A&S 2022 entry: The Drink of Great Roots.
- Patinas with Foraged Goods. 2021 Drachenwald Laurel's Challange.
- Masterwork for Master Forester submission for the East Kingdom Foresters Guild.
- Recreating Columella's Moretum, from de re Rustica.
Assorted Projects
- Forester kit and garb appropriate to my persona
- Soft and Fighter kit appropriate to my persona
Fishbat and sheath/ Bat and Sheath by Vindorix "Black Finn" Ordovix, art and leather tooling by me. The design is from a bronze scabbard uncovered in Isleham, Cambridgeshire and dated to the second/first century BCE. Original at The British Museum
- Natural dyed fabrics, from left to right: plain linen, madder dyed linen, walnut dyed linen, walnut dyed tropical weight wool
- Historical cooking using historical methods of the time, focusing on Pre Roman period and Romano-Celtic Britain. Sources include Archaeological findings, written record as provided by 1st Century CE Roman writers Columella, Cato, Apicius, Pliny the Elder, second century CE Greek writer Athenaeus, and third century BCE writer Phylarchus. Additionally, ethnographic comparisons and experimental archaeology in ancient foodways, both supported by archaeological finds and any written records.
- Shield Painting, primitive pottery, carving and ash basket, deliberately bad photoshop for a brewing experiment (cock ale) and other stuff.
In Case of Court
Please inform Vindiorix "Black Finn" Ordovix (Justin Davis) if I need to attend court. Justin can be reached through Facebook.
Classes Taught:
- Introduction to the East Kingdom Foresters Guild, 3/20/2022; 4/1/2022
- A Foresters Kit, 6/2021
- 2 Man Spear Clinic. Mimir's Well, 5/7/2020
- Cooking with Corotica and Columella: Making Columella's "Moretum". Class Handout and Full Research Paper. Mimir's Well, 5/7/2020
- Domestic Fires and Wild Foods(V2,Early Period A&S, Pennsic). Co-taught with Vindiorix "Black Finn" Ordovik ap Preachain, Early Period A&S in Clanne Preachain, Pennsic 48, Page 9 of the Friday August 9 Pennsic Independent
- Primitive cooking in a firepit. Panteria, 5/24-27/2019
- Children's class, Firestarting with flint and steel. Panteria, 5/24-27/2019
- Clay-wrapped cooking. Mimir's Well, 2/9/2019
- Tracking 101 exercise. Foresters Guild event, 10/21/2019
- A Romano-Celtic Cena. Co-taught with Vindiorix Ordovix, The Endewearde Hunt 10/5-8/2018
- Domestic Fires and Wild Foods. Co-taught with Vindorix Ordovix, Panteria, 5/25-28/2018
- Primitive Lamps. Mimir's Well, 2/24/2018
More Information
I have been in the SCA since 2009 as a heavy fighter, but only really became active starting in 2017 when I moved to the East Kingdom/Shire of Mountain Freehold. I have been with Clanne Preachain since 2017. This group is not an SCA Household, although many of its members are are in the SCA scattered throughout several Kingdoms and Houses. In 2020 I also joined Fir naLeon, an SCA household. In 2022, I also became affiliated with Ironhearth through Sir Euric. When you belong nowhere, you can go anywhere.