
Ciaran mac Gaeth

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Lord Ciaran Mac Gaeth, AoA Joined the SCA in 2002, member of Barony of Carillion House affiliations: House Grog, Rozakii


Ciaran hails from Wexford, Ireland in the 10th Century, a child of intermarrying between Gaels and the Norse settlers. Born during the reign of Brian Boru, High King of Ireland, Ciaran grew up with an affinity for druids and their balance with nature. While he never got the sea legs of his Norse father, Ciaran did enjoy many Norse cultures, and despite not taking to the sea, still learned the ways of the Norse Warriors. While never one for the sea life, he often fell in best with the lot when they were in port, and knew all the ways of being a sea captain without having left the docks. Frequenting the festive lifestyle, Ciaran became skilled at running taverns, celebrating when family or friends would be in town.

Offices & Positions

Chronicler, Barony of Carillion -05/01/2025-Current Social Media Officer, Barony of Carillion - 6/01/2024-Current Webminister Deputy, Barony of Carillion, 6/01/2024-Current

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