Category:Scherma Nova Studiorum
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Scherma Nova Studiorum is a student guild of mutual aid and support for scholars of the arts of defense.
Historical Inspiration
Scherma Nova Studiorum is modeled on the student guilds in 11th century Bologna, which eventually led to the formation of the first university. The guilds were formed for mutual aid and protection by foreign students who had traveled to Bologna to study Roman law. They also functioned as a sort of union, in that they were able to engage in collective bargaining with the city to secure better treatment, and with groups of scholars that they hired to instruct them in various subjects.
For the purposes of our group, we extrapolate from that idea that a group of students may have also hired instructors to teach them fencing and self defense. Some of the Bolognese fencing masters were in fact also instructors at the university.
The ideas from the Bologna model that we find most relatable are 1) the secular focus, as most education around this time in Europe was religious in nature; and 2) the way it centers the students, rather than the instructors. Our group aims to be knowledge-seeking, rather than knowledge-imparting, in nature.
“The undersigned good gentles, having traveled together to distant lands to study the arts of defense, now seek to form together a Students Guild of mutual aid and protection. The guild members shall govern themselves according to the rules and policies set forth below. The guild may, when they see fit, engage the services of a Master, to instruct them in a useful art, the terms of this contract to be agreed upon by both parties, and appropriate compensation to be negotiated between them.”
Code of Conduct
The Scherma Nova Studiorum code of conduct consists of two sections. The first section establishes the expectations of behavior we want to set for our members, and the second outlines the types of infractions that may require a response from the Guild.
The goals of Scherma Nova Studiorum are based in collaborative learning, and mutual aid and support. These can encompass a wide range of learning approaches and projects, including:
- Working on drills
- Studying manuals (or translating one!)
- Applications from other martial arts
- Pedagogy - learning about learning/teaching
- Learning through observation and discussion (such as analyzing fight videos online, or observing fights in person - with prior consent of all involved)
- Taking a class, or asking someone else to teach you a thing
- Use of Guild learning materials
Founding Members
Katerina Falconer de Lanark
Bella di Sicilia
Sorcha Dhocair
Guild members may use the title of Scholar, or a persona-appropriate equivalent, to reflect their mutual support, membership, and pursuit of study. This title may be used regardless of Society-level award.
Add [[Category:Scherma Nova Studiorum]] to your personal wiki page to indicate your interest or membership in this guild.
Society-Wide Guilds: Gilded Pearl, Known World Aviculturists Guild, Known World Players, Saint Bavon's Company of Falconry |
East Kingdom Royal Guilds: Arachne's Web Lace Guild, East Kingdom Brewers' Guild, East Kingdom Foresters Guild, East Kingdom Blacksmiths Guild, East Kingdom Royal College of Performers, Keepers of Athena's Thimble, Worshipful Company of Narrowworkers, Worshipful Company of Stationers, Guild of the Outstretched Hand |
Non-Royal Kingdom Guilds: Company of the Sable Domino, Ffeleshyppe for the Defensioun and Precervacioun of le Urchion, Guild of Saint Luke, Guild of St. Mark, Herbalists' and Apothecaries' Guild, Metalsmiths' Guild, Random Dishrag Bardic Guild, Scherma Nova Studiorum, Soothsayers' Guild, Worshipful Company of Their Majesties Underwear |
Local Guilds: Carolingian Calivers, Carolingian Company of Bowmen, Endewearde Brewers' Guild, Gratuitous Lily Guild, Low Company of Gamesters and Gamblers, Malagentian Players, North Tower Infantry, The Smoking Bridge Guild of Libation Brewers |
Former Guilds: East Kingdom Cook's Guild |
Pages in category "Scherma Nova Studiorum"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.