Category:Needs OPID
From EastKingdomWiki
The following populace pages do not have an opid set to create a link to their entry in the East Kingdom OP.
Finding A Person's OPID
To find an opid for an individual, search for their name in the East Kingdom OP. (Remember that it can take weeks or months to process court reports, so if someone has recently received their first award they might not be listed yet.)
After clicking to the person's individual entry page, look in the browser address bar for the parameter atlantian_id followed by a number; this number is their opid.
Adding an OPID to a Wiki Page
To add an opid to a person's wiki page, edit the Populace template and below
|status =
|opid = ###
Where ### is the atlantian_id of the OP entry, which can be found in the address bar when looking at the entry.
Pages in category "Needs OPID"
The following 200 pages are in the current category.
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- Aalina Godwin
- Abdullah ibn Harun
- Ābele Bierznix
- Acha Osbeorn
- Adelisa de Crevecoeur
- Adelizia Lune Pierkins
- Ælfric FitzHugh
- Aengus Ragnbjarnarson
- Agape Kloethina
- Agatha von Aachen
- Ageirr the Lucky
- Agrian Gorm
- Ailídh Fuireastal
- Aine Duibh-bein
- Áine O'Raghallaigh
- Ajir Tsagaan
- Alan of Wytleseie
- Alasdair Svarthrútr
- Alex the Scribe
- Alexander Kegan MacAonghais
- Alexander Kegan MacInnes
- Alexandros of Megisti
- Alexandros Pantellios
- Alexis of Knotty Snake
- Alfarr Skegglauss
- Alijna van den Oostenbrugge
- Alonso de la Mano Negro
- Amalberga de Scriver
- Amalie Reinhardt
- Amaris Taranis Gremlin
- Ana de Roma
- Anastasia Vasilia Morozzi e D'Oria
- Anna DiBonannes
- Anthonye Saker
- Aranon MacRamsay
- Ariana De Gallo
- Arnóra Éldadóttir
- Artemisia Vulgaris
- Aven Nele
- Badr al-Abyari
- Bahja al-Azraq
- Bane Macgowan
- Bayan Hanover
- Beatrix Elizabeth de Lara
- Beck of Copeland
- Béibhinn Mhodartha
- Bernhard Brakelman
- Björn Garðrson
- Bobbie of Endewearde
- Bohémond de Nicée
- Bótfríðr í Eplagarði
- Branoc d'Avrinsart
- Bridget MacKinnon
- Brighid Dublaidd
- Brigid MacKinnon
- Brigit Ingen Eógain
- Brigit inghean ui Crotaigh
- Brigitte Weissraben
- Broanin Applebrook
- Bronwyn Swan Neck
- Brunhilda of Mountain Freehold
- Caitlin of Stonemarche
- Caitriona Sullivan
- Caoilte An Coghaidh
- Carmela Flores
- Carys ferch Dafydd
- Cassandra of Bethel
- Cassandra of Smoking Rocks
- Catherine of Carillion
- Catiana de Vannes
- Catriona MacDuff
- Chamillous
- Christopher Stanley
- Clement of Arimathea
- Clíodhna
- Clippart de Worde
- Clippy Sparky
- Crista Of Stonemarche
- Crystal Star Curtis
- Da'ub al-Fayyad ibn-Atiyya ibn-al-Banna
- Dagr inn Geirri
- Danamas Icarus Kif
- Danielle Of Ravensbridge
- David Urry
- Davide de LaRochelle
- Davit Jamburiani
- Dea Dolce
- Deirdre of Highland Foorde
- Delilah Meinhardt
- Denis a' Bhethir
- Deven le Grise
- Diamanda Beauchamp
- Diamond Stone
- Dianna of Stonemarche
- Diego del Valle
- Dietrich der Mistook von Berne
- Dogglebe
- Dunecan Morgan of Falconcree
- Dýrfinna Freyjudóttir
- Ealdraed Tayor
- Ebrieanne Buckland
- Ebrienne of Buckland
- Edela Salten-Sebastid
- Edvard Mikaelsson
- Edward de Bosco
- Edwyn le Clerc
- Eirik ó Doubgaill
- Eirik the Lost
- Eldrid Solheim
- Eleanor of Edinstowe
- Eleanor Swyft
- Eleena of Rolling Thunder
- Elena Alekseikovna
- Elisabeth of Shrewsbury
- Elizabeth Elenore Lovell
- Elizabeth Hyde
- Elle du Pepperell
- Elliot de la Marche
- Emery de Champagne
- Erik Loren Elcara
- Esnede O Murrin
- Estienne de Bellefaye
- Étienne of Rusted Woodlands
- James of Sanquhar
- Jaquemine van Bel
- Jay of Smoking Rocks
- Jayyida bint 'Abir
- Jean-paul Gorges Ringueax
- Jennifer Seymour
- Jenny Julue Johnson of Bergental
- Jocelyn d'Isigny
- Johanna von Danzig
- Johannes Hörner
- Johannes von Hagen
- John Teller
- Jolanna Aedgythe Heverinton
- Joshka Kozic
- Juliana de Beumont
- Julianne le Rat
- Kadlyn O hEilidhe
- Karry of Emerald Glen
- Kaspar Meerschweinchen
- Kateryn Carwile
- Katharina Dietrich von Villach
- Katla
- Katrein Topffer
- Kazimierz Olytyskis
- Kendrik D'mer
- Kenna Cairns
- Khallil
- Kialli MacCullough
- Kira Zimmer
- Kiryk Boguslawski
- Kíttá Of Smoking Rocks
- Kunigunda Chervona
- Kunigunde Wedemann
- Kyl the Wild