
Brewers' Guild Panels

From EastKingdomWiki

I felt the need to share my impeccable filing system.


This is a collection of the documentation for paneled beverages in the East Kingdom Brewers' Guild. They are organized by time period of the beverage, by the people or place of the beverage, by the guild division the beverage best fits in, and by the artisan who submitted it.

See the parent category for a complete list of all projects.

By Country or Culture

All Countries/Cultures

By Time Period

note: time period groupings are designed largely for convenience and are based on Euro-centric academic groupings; they are not necessarily intended to imply any limitations on acceptable origination

By Category

An incomplete, but growing list of primary sources accompanies each category.

By Artisan

All Paneled Brewers

Guilds of the East Kingdom
Society-Wide Guilds: Gilded Pearl, Known World Aviculturists Guild‎, Known World Players, Saint Bavon's Company of Falconry
East Kingdom Royal Guilds: Arachne's Web Lace Guild, East Kingdom Brewers' Guild, East Kingdom Foresters Guild, East Kingdom Blacksmiths Guild, East Kingdom Royal College of Performers, Keepers of Athena's Thimble, Worshipful Company of Narrowworkers, Worshipful Company of Stationers, Guild of the Outstretched Hand
Non-Royal Kingdom Guilds: Company of the Sable Domino, Ffeleshyppe for the Defensioun and Precervacioun of le Urchion, Guild of Saint Luke, Guild of St. Mark, Herbalists' and Apothecaries' Guild, Metalsmiths' Guild, Random Dishrag Bardic Guild, Scherma Nova Studiorum, Soothsayers' Guild, Worshipful Company of Their Majesties Underwear
Local Guilds: Carolingian Calivers, Carolingian Company of Bowmen, Endewearde Brewers' Guild, Gratuitous Lily Guild, Low Company of Gamesters and Gamblers, Malagentian Players, North Tower Infantry, The Smoking Bridge Guild of Libation Brewers
Former Guilds: East Kingdom Cook's Guild