
Antony Martin of Sheffield

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The Honorable Lord Antony Martin of Sheffield
Resides: Barony of Endewearde
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Dave arms.jpg
Per fess embattled vert and argent, three arrows bendwise inverted argent fletched Or and a tree eradicated proper
Award & Office Badges
Award of ArmsCompanion of the Order of the Silver Crescent
Seneschal Exchequer Herald Chronicler Archery Marshal


I have been playing in the SCA since January of 1999 when a group of us got together in a friend's apartment to discuss forming our own group in northern Maine. We attended a couple events, liked what we saw, and started the ball rolling toward what eventually became the Shire of Smithwick. I was a Shire officer from the day we first became Incipient, moving from Chronicler to Seneschal and then Exchequer before moving out of the area.

In 2012, I moved to the Province of Malagentia. After taking a little over a year off from being an officer I, once again, became involved with starting up a new group - the Riding of Ravensbridge. I held the offices of Herald and Deputy Seneschal from its formation until January of 2019.

I then moved to the Canton of Wyndriche where I served as Herald and Deputy Herald until the group went inactive and the lands reverted to the Barony of Enderweare in May 2024.

During that time I also served as Kingdom Chronicler from April 2022 to the present (term ends April 1, 2026)

I currently hold an Award of Arms and am a member of the Order of the Silver Crescent in the East. I have previously been ranked as a Master Bowman. My main areas of interest lie in archery, heraldry, medieval games, and brewing mead.


I am a wealthy 12th century merchant who has traveled the world and seen many wondrous things. As my wealth grew, I set my eyes toward bettering my station in life which resulted in the fortuitous purchase of a noble title from a young lordling who had frittered his family's fortune away. I paid handsomely so that he could avoid debtors' prison and I could move up in life. Since then I have traveled even more garnering much fame and fortune. During a trip to Atherdee to purchase another inn, I happened to meet the wench who would steal my heart - Moire Browne. We have been together since and I have taught her letters & numbers so she can manage my home as well as my brewing operations to supply my inns & taverns with fine meads & ales.


Event Staff

  • Gate - Ravensbridge Huggin and Muninn (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
  • Assistant Dayboard Coordinator - Malagentia Harvest Moon Shoot (2016)
  • Feast Co-Steward - unpublished Ravensbridge Yule (2015)
  • Autocrat - Ravensbridge Huggin and Muninn (2014)
  • Archery MiC - Spring Crown Tourney in Lyndhaven (2008)
  • Feast Steward - Smithwick Winter Ball (2004-2005)
  • Archery MiC - Smithwick Summer Gathering (2001-2011)
  • Archery MiC - Lyndhaven Spring Schola (renamed Middleground) (2001-2009)
  • Replacement MiC - Malagentia GNEW (Year unclear)
  • Archery MiC - Harper's Retreat (2001 or 2002)
  • Autocrat - Smithwick Summer Gathering (2000-2004)

Awards and other info

  • Inducted into the Order of the Silver Crescent (2017)
  • First Place, GNEW Potables Competition (Overall, for Mead) (2004 or 2005?)
  • Award of Arms (2004)