
Annika Bjornsdottir

From EastKingdomWiki

Annika Björnsdóttir
Resides: Barony of Iron Bog
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Device needed.jpg
Heraldry Needed
Award & Office Badges
Order of the Silver Compass Companion of the Order of the Silver Brooch


Annika Björnsdóttir hails from the Barony of Iron Bog. Some call it... New Jersey. Annika has fallen in love with the SCA; her local barony especially. She feels that the people of Iron Bog are amazing, and that she is lucky to live amount such gentles.

Annika (sounds like Monica without the "M"), is a scribe, and loves creating artwork for people. Her work with award scrolls is a special thing she can do for her barony (and her Kingdom) in contribution to the whole of what we do.

Annika joined the SCA in 2015, and is ever learning more about it. Her first event was May-Be in her home Barony. There she saw, for the very first time, a large display of the Scribal Arts, and the beautiful works of art called award scrolls. Right then and there Annika knew she needed to be a part of the scribal world. She was immediately driven to learn all she could of the scribal arts, and for the very next year's May-Be in 2016, she had created her first two scrolls, to be awarded at that event. After the 2017 May-Be (for which she'd done 3 scrolls, and gave a class on Scribal Arts), she felt ready to do Kingdom level scrolls and has since become a full-fledged scribe in service to the Crown. In 2022, she was entrusted with the duties of Baronial Signet of Iron Bog.

Annika is of a mind that learning never ends, so she continually works to advance her skills, and increase her knowledge, so she might better serve both the good gentles of her Barony, and the greater realm of the East Kingdom. She wants to share her knowledge and help others expand their own creative skills.

Main interests

(Aside from a love of all things calligraphy and illumination) are sewing, embroidery, and metalwork, both jewelry and blacksmithing. Other interests include All The Things.


Annika's persona isn't fully developed. It's a portrayal of a Hiberno-Norse woman of Ireland, living roughly near the 11th century.

Honors / Awards / Recognitions

  • Order of the Silver Compass - Iron Bog Investiture/K&Q Archery Champions, 16 June, A.S. LIII/2018
  • Flame of Bhakail - Bhakail Commons, 23 June A.S. LIV/2019
  • Order of the Silver Brooch (Armigerous) - Bhakail Yule, 14 December, A.S. LIV/2019
  • The Baroness's Silver Ring - River War, Iron Bog, 24 Sept, A.S. LVII/2022

Projects, Classes, & Publications

  • Scribal Arts Display (and general demo help) at South Jersey Geek Fest Spring 2017
  • Class on Manuscripts Through the Ages, given at May Be (I'll Try Something New), 05/13/2017
  • Scribal Arts Display (and general demo help) at Wheaton Village Fantasy Faire, 06/24/2017-06/25/2017
  • Scribal Arts Display (and general demo help) at Wheaton Village Fantasy Faire, 2022?
  • Scribal Arts Display (and general demo help) at South Jersey Geek Fest Spring 2022 and again in 2023

More Information

In case of court, surprises are good, in person is preferred. People to talk to include Creatura Christi, Declan Gobha, Aibhilin inghean Ui Phaidin. Annika's scribal work can be seen in small bits in her website, but she has started an Instagram account devoted solely to her SCA work.

Mundanely, Annika is an artist and illustrator. She has a special love for crows, bears, and old worn-down bits of the past. She's got a backyard full of chickens, a side yard full of junk, and a head full of nonsense.