
Annetje van Woerden

From EastKingdomWiki

Young Annetje
Resides: Shire of Owlsherst
Status: Alive and Kicking!
Awards: Order of Precedence
Per chevron azure and gules, a chevron rompu between two quatrefoils pierced and a fireball argent
Award & Office Badges
Companion of the Order of the Laurel Companion of the Order of the Pelican Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent Companion of the Order of the Maunche Award of the Golden Lyre Order of the Sable Bell Order of the Seahorse Companion of the Order of the Burdened Tyger


I am Dame Annetje van Woerden, formally Andrea MacIntyre. I am formerly from the Canton of Northpass in the Crown Province of Ostgardr, (one of the founding members of) the Canton of Marwick of Settmour Swamp, the Barony of Bhakail, the Barony of Carillion, and the Barony of the Debatable Lands of Aethelmearc.

I currently live in South Eastern Pennsylvania in the Shire of Owlsherst.

In the SCA, I am a Mistress of the Laurel (Food Arts) and a Mistress of the Pelican.

I joined the SCA in AS 12 (1977) as a history fanatic and to cook and brew in a medieval manner, as well as dabble in dancing, and calligraphy and illumination. I currently teach historical cooking and specialize in creative and historical displays. I am available to teach or consult, and would be happy to help if contacted.

I come from a very long line of artisans, and name the late Master Henry McQueen of Longhouse as my father Laurel, and Master Ian of Clan Mitchell as my father Pelican.

I have had the most distinguished honor of being the first person in the East Kingdom to be gifted both peerages at the same time on 08/17/2005, in the barn at Pennsic XXXIV . As a result, it is now my ultimate endeavor to be worthy of this honor at all times.

My true joy in the SCA is to create in my students that little bit of the flame of knowledge that they can take home and feed for themselves. I like to teach and share.

Member of : Households - The Silver Horde and House Three Skulls- Retired


Annetje is a late 15th century resident of the lowlands (currently known as Amsterdam,Holland)*Dutch*

In re-enactment scenarios, Annetje is a cook for a lesser nobleman, scrimping and saving as much as possible to provide the best of quality meals, with the best of possible artistic influences. She can easily be found at just about any event she attends if you check the kitchen. I have been reinvigorated currently in the arts of stained glass, bardic. forestry, and wildcraft pursuits.

Offices & Positions

Order of the Sable Bell (Carillion) 1985,

Order of the Seahorse (Østgarðr) 1996,

Award of Arms 1990,

Order of the Burdened Tyger 2003,

Order of the Burdened Tyger 2008,

Order of the Burdened Tyger 2018,

Gift of the Golden Lyre 2003,

Queens Honor of Distinction (Roxane) 2006,

Queens Honor of Distinction (Gabriella 2008),

Order of the Maunche 1999,

Order of the Silver Crescent 1998,

Order of the Laurel 8/17/2005,

Order of the Pelican 8/17/2005


EK A&S Novice and Youth Regional Deputy, Mistress of Arts & Sciences for The Barony of Bhakail, Editor of Ars Scientia Orientalis- East Kingdom Art & Sciences Newsletter, Chancellor of the East Kingdom University, Seneschal of Østgarðr

Other offices previously held: Canton Of Northpass Seneschal, Canton of Northpass A&S, Canton of Marwick Chronicler, Barony of Carillion Chronicler

More Information

Recent Work/Events/Etc:

Co autocrat (advising) Into the Woods- Owlsherst -10/21/23

Co autocrat (advising) Food Fiber Forestry and Fun -Owlsherst -10/12/24

In Case of Court

Should I be called into Court, a formal summons would be graciously received due to age, distance, and time. I am not a fan of surprises. My pronouns are she/her. My court title used is Dame.

    • Should any of my Apprentices or Proteges be called, I would like to be contacted so that I might be there in support.

EK Order of Precedence

Active Participant in teaching the Culinary Arts , Forestry, Herbalism

Currently has as : Apprentices/Proteges:

Martyn de Halliwell (Barony of Bhakail) -Apprentice/Protege- 4/18/15

Magdalena Gdanska (Shire of Blak Rose)- Apprentice- 10/21/23

Siobhan ingean ui Ghadhra (Shire of Owlsherst) - Apprentice- 12/9/23

Isabetta Seraphina di Petrillo (Shire of Owlsherst) - Apprentice/Protege- 3/23/24

Triona MacCasky (Barony of Bhakail) -Apprentice/Protege- 11/23/24


Eirikr Thorisson (Shire of Hartshorn-dale) -5/3/15

Elevated Peers

Became a Mistress of the Pelican and Laurel!- Brunissende Dragonette (Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust, Bhakail) -Apprentice

Became a Mistress of the Laurel!- Asa In Svarta (Settmour Swamp) -Apprentice/Protege

Became a Master of the Laurel John Marshall Atte Forde (Hartshorn-dale)]


Conor O Ceallaigh (Crown Province of Ostgardr) -Apprentice 4/26/15

In memoriam : Conor O Ceallaigh 2020

Ascended into the Noble Order of Peerages in the Nether Realm in 2020

John Marshall Atte Forde (Hartshorn-dale)]

Left us on 5/26/23 to join Conor in the Nether Realm.

In Memoriam : John Marshall Atte Forde 2023