Alastar Tucker
From EastKingdomWiki
Photo |
Alastar Tucker |
Information |
Resides: Concordia of the Snows |
Status: Active |
Awards: Order of Precedence |
Heraldry |
Per pale indented Or and azure, a boar rampant contourny and a wyvern erect counterchanged. |
Award & Office Badges |
Alastar Tucker began fencing in the SCA in the fall of 2015 and quickly fell in love with it. Recognizable in the list or on the melee field by the Sutton Hoo-helm paintjob on his mask. Alastar resides in, and is active in the Barony of Concordia of the Snows, as well as the neighboring Shire of Anglespur. Alastar is content to go by several spelling variations, but is particularly fond of "Alastar" and "Alastor." An active student of historical forms of swordsmanship, Alastar's primary focus is I.33, or the Walpurgis Fechtbuch, and using it's principals to apply the concepts in reverse to earlier forms of shield combat. Aside from this, Alastar dabbles in Longsword, Messer, and Rapier forms, with a keen interest in conducting a dive into African and Near-Eastern weapons in the future.
Awards held:
- Kingdom: Order of the Silver Rapier. Order of the Silver Brooch. Order of the Golden Rapier. Order of Defense.
- Baronial: Order of the Ram's Horn (Concordia). Order of the Friends (Concordia). Order of the Sapphire (Concordia). Order of the Pine (Concordia)
Notable Achievements:
- East Kingdom Novice Day Rapier Champion, 2017
- Brief holder of the Iron Ring of the East
- Second bearer of the German Silver Ring
Persona and Name
Primary Persona is roughly Viking-age Anglo-Danish. Alastar has a variety of looks and interests however. Most accompany an aspect of Alastar's martial pursuits. For instance, while practicing earlier styles of swordplay, a Migration era, or Viking-age look suit Alastar best. But he is also known to don garb more appropriate to the high middle ages to match Longsword and Messer fencing practice. In the works are a late 16th cent Anglo-Scottish look to match the practice of Rapier and other late-period weaponry, and a Near-Eastern/North-African look for the eventual study in those traditions.
Varied spelling is inherently period, and Alastar is bemused by the many different ways his name is rendered. In a very "meta" sense, each spelling can pair with a persona/garb set. Alastor for the late Greco-Roman and into the Migration era, Alastar for the early medieval rendering, and Alastair for late period ventures. In an official capacity, Alastar is the registered name, but beyond that any spelling variation is acceptable.
Some have taken to calling Alastar "Shield-maker" on account of the bucklers and shields he produces. In instances of formal address, Alastar is happy to be called either "Cempa" (in place of Master), or "Scholar" Alastar. Maestro is acceptable. Master is okay, but not preferred.
Offices & Positions
- Fencing Marshal at Large, 2017
- Deputy Marshal In Charge of Rapier practice, Concordia of the Snows, 2018-2020
- Marshal in Charge of Rapier practice, Concordia of the Snows, 2021-Present
- Queen's Guard- Margarita de Siena
- Known to fight in melee alongside Eisenhorne
- Former Gesiþ (Provost) to Donovan Shinnock
- Fencing Teacher to Phillipus Tabor and Alfarr of EldVatten
- Father of the Ölhornar (Household)
Event Staff
War of the Roses 2019- Rapier Marshal-in-Charge
War of the Roses 2022- Rapier Marshal-in-Charge
War of the Roses 2023- Rapier Marshal-in-Charge
In Case of Court
When calling Alastar into court, he prefers "Cempa", or "Scholar", to be used as title/form of address. Maestro or Master are okay as well. If the by-name "shield-maker" is being included, Alastar prefers "Alastar Tucker, called Shield-Maker." Alastar Shield-Maker is okay, but Tucker has a special place in his heart, and it's his last name for a reason.
Alastar prefers surprises! Contact Kara Njalsdottir, Robert Tytes, Yin Feng-yu, another member of House Ölhornar, Eisenhorne, or a fencer from Concordia. They'll trick or strong arm Alastar into attendance with subtlety and sneakiness. The exception to surprises are awards where a writ is applicable. In that case a writ is preferred. And if surprise is being attempted but schedule conflicts keep cropping up, Alastar is happy with the compromise of being told he should make an effort to be present for a certain court, but not being told why.
- Curator of Eisenhorne's Ass
- Premiere Bearer of Ölhornar's Peach
- Fight Footage can be found here (and sometimes rarely sword-theory discussions):