
Ābele Bierznix

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Abele climbs a tree at Feast of Fools 2024
Ābele getting into trouble again
Resides: Shire of Mountain Freehold
Status: Active
This individual may not have an entry in the Order of Precedence, or may not have added their OPID yet. Volunteer editors may add it in the future.
Abele Device.png
Sable, in pale a stoat passant reguardant argent and an apple tree argent fructed gules
Award & Office Badges
Award of Arms


Introduced to the SCA at Panteria 2023, Ābele quickly fell in with the East Kingdom Foresters Guild in the Shire of Mountain Freehold.

First and foremost, Ābele loves identifying trees (and also herpetofauna, and birds (which are technically reptiles and therefore possibly considered herpetofauna - though possibly not, as "herpetofauna" is a casual grouping of unrelated species based on "creeping," not a clade, and birds don't generally creep (except the Brown Creeper)), and occasionally herbaceous plants), and as an extension of that love for plants, is an occasional forager and basket-weaver. In fact, she's a jack-of-all-trades in crafting: embroidery, naalbinding, leatherworking, fabric dyeing, needle-felting, pelt tanning, and spinning, to name a few. At the moment, Ābele's most notable crafting interest is pottery, though that may be shifting to spinning yarn from her dog's fur.

Joined the ranks of Keepers of Athena's Thimble at Panteria 2024 and achieved the rank of Journeyman.


Ābele lives on the Kurzeme shore during the Viking Age, tanning and trading furs to faraway lands. A loyal companion helps sniff out animal tracks and warns of approaching danger with her fierce barks.

Event Staff

Helped out a bit at Feast of Fools, 2024

Pottery firing class & kitchen cleanup at Panteria XXVII, 2024

List Runner at Crown Tournament, 2024

Decoration & Gold Key at Yule, 2025

Led Forester Hikes:

  • 8/18/2024 - Mobbs Farm, Jericho
  • 9/1/2024 - Wheeler Nature Park, South Burlington
  • 9/29/2024 - Hinesburg Town Forest, Hinesburg (forest management field trip)
  • 10/6/2024 - Libby's Look, Bolton
  • 10/20/2024 - Colchester Bog


In Case of Court

If you surprise me, I will run away, and will keep running until I hit the tree line. Then you will have to find me, but I'll already have moved in under a rock with a bear and forgotten human language. (To clarify: do not surprise me.) Name is pronounced AAH-bell-eyyy, and I'm likely to attend events within 2 hours of Burlington, VT.

In the event of a scroll: Ābele is a Viking-age Curonian persona, and would love any Baltic motifs. They are a forester, and would love any nature imagery, especially snakes, weasels, and trees, but no favorites here.

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