
Unofficial and Informal Ranks

From EastKingdomWiki

Many people choose to enter formal, usually teaching, relationships with Peers or other higher ranked members of the Society. There is often specific regalia worn to denote these relationships.

Title What is it Who Gives It Typical Regalia Duration
Squire Student in combat to a member of the Chivalry Any member of the Chivalry A red belt or baldric Generally, until elevated to the Chivalry or terminated
Provost Student in combat to a member of the Order of Defense Any member of the Order of Defense A blue collar Generally until elevated to the MoD or terminated
Protegé Student in the forms of service to a member of the Pelican Any member of the Pelican (rarely, others) A yellow belt Generally, until elevated to the Pelican or terminated
Apprentice Student in the re-creation arts to a member of the Laurel Any member of the Laurel (rarely, others) A green belt Generally, until elevated to the Laurel or terminated
Cadet Student in the art of defense to a member of the Order of the Golden Rapier or White Scarf Any member of the Golden Rapier, the White Scarf or equivalent A red or blue scarf worn over the shoulder Generally, until elevated to the Golden Rapier or terminated
Equerry/Vassal/Demoiselle/ Esquire/etc. Any associate of a higher ranked person, most typically a person with no rank to a person with an AoA or more Anybody, but typically an AoA or higher Varies by individuals Generally, until elevated with an Award of Arms or terminated
East Kingdom Queen's Guard An honorary estate in the Royal Retinue as an honor for martial interests and prowess Reigning Queens An official Baldric Until the end of the reign
Man at Arms Like a squire, but to a non-member of the Chivalry Anyone that feels qualified None standard Indefinite
Yeoman Like a squire, but to a long-term archer and in the field of archery. Any senior archer that feels qualified None standard Indefinite
Royal Champion An honorary position considered to be directly in service to the Crown Usually there is both a King's (won by competition) and a Queen's (won by selection during the competition). Varies Usually for one year

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