
Ranulf of L'ile du Dragon Dormant

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71396365 3134457229959157 5581922755546185728 o.jpg
Ranulf at the Dragon's Harvest, 2019. Picture by Lady Sorcha Dhorcha.
Resides: Île du Dragon Dormant
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Per pale vert and azure, a tortoise and in chief two spoons argent.png.jpg
Per pale vert and azure, a tortoise and in chief two spoons argent.
Award & Office Badges
Companion of the Order of the Silver Wheel Award of Arms
Thrown Weapons Marshal


Ranulf de l'Île du Dragon Dormant (persona et nom sujets à changement sous relativement peu.) Résident de la baronnie de l'Île du Dragon Dormant (qui l'eût cru?), Tir Mara.

Actif depuis mars 2019, son premier événement a été le BIA du Havre des Glaces. Il s'est rapidement impliqué dans un ensemble de champs d'intérêts, et il a une liste (rapidement) croissante d'intérêts.


Ranulf of l'Île du Dragon Dormant (persona and name may be subject to change in the decently-near future.) Resident of the Barony of l'Île du Dragon Dormant (who would have guessed?), Tir Mara.

Active since March 2019, his first event was the Havre des Glaces' BIA. Rapidly involving himself in all sorts of fields, he has a (very) rapidly expanding list of interests.


À compléter

To be completed

Offices & Positions

Principality Thrown Weapons Marshal - Tir Mara, 06/2020 until today.

Thrown Weapons Marshal, 02/2020 until today.

Barony Chatelain of l'Île du Dragon Dormant, 03/2023 until today.


Award of Arms - Beltaines 2022 - Ryouko'jin and Indrakshi
Order of the Silver Wheel - Beltaines 2024 - Magnus Tindal and Emerson G. True

Event Staff

Marshal in Charge - Thrown Weapons - Beltaines (XXXIII, June 2022; XXXIV, June 2023; XXXV, June 2024)

Kitchen aide BIA and Kingdom's Arts&Science Championship, March 2023 BIA and Kingdom's Bardic Championship, February 2023

Projects & Publications

Kitchen aide for Mistress Kirsa Oyutai's vigil.

In Case of Court

No need to notify me. In fact, I really like surprises, and would actively prefer not knowing about it. Mistress Kirsa Oyutai, Lady Sorcha Dhorcha or Lord Julien Ceannéidigh can be notified to ensure I make it. I'd rather not receive any awards during an Ethereal Court (I rarely attend, due to employment commitment).

More Information