
Mohammad and Corotica

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K Q C M.jpg
Photo by Cateline La Broderesse
Sovereign: Mohammad Al-Manil Al-Wajdi Al-Abderrafi Ibn Horrah Ibn Gowan
Consort: Corotica merkka Senebelenae
East Kingdom Crown #: 108
Preceded by: Ryouko'jin and Indrakshi
Succeeded by: Brennan IV and Caoilfhionn IV



Chief of Staff: Mistress Tadea Isabetta Di Bruno

Deputy Chief of Staff (Canada): Sir Angus McHaley

Deputy Chief of Staff (U.S): Sir Trentus Nubianus

Arm of the Prince: Sir Galbraith McGowan

Head Retainer: Mistress Ellesbeth Donofrey

Deputy Head Retainer: Lady Maerwynn in Danska

Captain of the Guard: Lord Volmar Sollons

Vox Regis: Mistress Kirsa Oyutai

Deputy Herald: Vacant

Event Coordinator: Baroness Jeanne de Robin

Awards Scheduler/Signet Liaison: Baroness Leonete D’Angely

Wardrobe Coordinator: Sayida Syrine Al-Sakina Bint Houriya

Largesse Coordinator: Baroness Sile Dhubh inghean Mhic an Mhadaidh

Favor Coordinator: Lady Aveline d'Amiens

Deputy Favor Coordinator: Aurelia Colleoni a'Buccafurno

Gift Coordinator: Mistress Cellach Dhonn inghean Mhic an Mhadaidh

Toy Box Coordinator: Mistress Alisay de Falaise

Thank You Note Coordinator: Dame Perronnelle de Croy

Royal Webminister: Lady Astrid Eiriksdottir

Translators (French/English): Master Godfrey of Falaise

Royal Advisor: Baron Ernst Nuss von Kitzingen

Royal Advisor: Mistress Brid nic Shéarlais




  • October 14-16, 2022: Shire Wars X (Montevale)
  • October 29, 2022: East Kingdom Crown Tournament (Malegentia)
  • January 27-29, 2023: A Market Day at Birka XXXII (Stonemarche)
  • February 18, 2023: East Kingdom Rapier Championships (Quintavia)

More Information