
Meet the Artist Mondays

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Revision as of 16:19, 6 December 2021 by Naeme (talk | contribs)

Meet the Artist Mondays is a joint project created by THL Sugawara no Naeme, Consort's Champion of A&S and Pan Jan Janowicz Bogdanski, Sovereign's Champion of A&S, as bi-monthly Facebook posts, shared to the Unofficial and Official East Kingdom groups to spotlight the work of Eastern artisans, and launched in August of 2021.

The Champions ask each featured Artist 3 questions as way of introduction: How did you come to practice your art? What inspires you to create? and What is your favorite obscure fact about your art?

Artists are listed with their answers to the questions in the order they were featured. Links are included to the original Facebook posts, however you must have a Facebook account and be a member of the group to view them.

Sigvardr Halfdanarson

  • How did you come to practice your art?

It really started when I wanted to have a necklace but didn't have the money to buy one so I slowly taught myself to make jewelry.

  • What inspires you to create?

My inspiration comes from the people around me pushing me to be better, and the masters of the past. The details they were able to obtain was incredible.

  • What is your favorite obscure fact about your art?

Something obscure is that a lot of Viking era jewelry was made to weight standards for easy trade and storage of wealth.