
Luna Isabella de Valeria

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Luna Isabella de Valeria
Resides: Barony of Settmour Swamp
Status: Active
This individual may not have an entry in the Order of Precedence, or may not have added their OPID yet. Volunteer editors may add it in the future.
Moon Dragon High Medieval.png
Triple moon over Silver Dragon
Award & Office Badges


Luna Isabella is a Spanish singer and musician (flute) hailing from 14th century Castile. She has traveled across Europe, expanding her musical repertoire and connecting with other like minded artists. She speaks fluent English and Spanish, and has a working knowledge of Italian and Latin.

Rumors have circulated that she dabbles in the occult arts, but proof has never been presented. To be declared a "witch" within the kingdoms of Spain is dangerous business.

She is a collector of instruments, music, books, art, and friendships.


14th Century Spanish musician, artist, and patron of the arts.

Activities & Interests

  • Bardic
  • Scribal Arts
  • Languages
  • Iberian Culture
  • Occult & Magic


Luna is a professional performer and open to group collaborations and projects. She is a classically trained lyric soprano and flute player. She is a featured soloist with Montclair Early Music.

Web & Social

Facebook Page


Mundane Website (Professional Soprano)

In Case of Court

Ethereal missive is acceptable. She/Her