
L. Severin Schröder

From EastKingdomWiki

Severin Festschdermacher fka- Lahbruinn MacMhikiel.jpg
Lord L. Severin Schröder

(fka) Severin Festschdermacher (fka) Lahbruinn MacMhikiel commonly called Larry

Resides: Fennbrycg Neighborhood, Barony of Beyond the Mountain
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Severin Blazon.jpg

Or, a pall inverted sable between three mullets of seven points gules

Badge & Needles Conjoined Points Or.png
BADGE (fieldless)

Seven neddles conjoined at the points, Or

Award & Office Badges
Award of Arms Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent Order of the White Oak Order of the Holly
Herald Chronicler Minister of Arts and Science Exchequer


I am L. Severin Schröder, was formally known as Severin Festschdermacher and also Labhruinn MacMhikiel, where most called me the familiar name of Larry. I have been playing the SCA game since 1990. My interests are very varied, some with just an interest without getting too deep into, while others, I go into that pool head long, and neck deep. Mostly, I am a costumer and a cook. Over the years, I've held a few officer positions in both the Barony Beyond the Mountain (BBM), one of it's territories, the Canton of Fennbrycg, and as Southern Region (NJ, NYC, LI) Deputy Exchequer.


My original Persona {Labhruinn MacMhikiel} was a lowland Celt of Scots Irish mixed heritage, making his living as a simple tunic maker and merchant. One day, I came to the aid of a young lady and her son, from a French province, we took up residence in Stafford-shire, where we wed and moved to Manchester. To help make ends meet, I became a costumer for a few traveling players.

Over the years, my persona advanced along with my tailoring abilities and a new found interest as a Feast Cook. I now am, a late period Chef and a Tailor of German - Irish descent {L. Severin Schröder}. To keep my skills honed, so to speak, I farm myself out to my Barony, and the surrounding Baronies, as an assistant to their cooks. I can be found among the Baronial and East Kingdom Order of Precedence (listed below) under Severin Festschdermacher (AKA) Labhruinn MacMhikiel.

Offices & Positions; Newest to Oldest

  • Minister of Arts and Sciences, Barony Beyond the Mountain, 10/19/2020 to Present
  • Deputy Chronicler, Barony Beyond the Mountain, 12/16/2019 to 10/19/2020
  • Deputy of Arts and Sciences, Barony Beyond the Mountain, 10/21/2019 to 10/19/2020
  • Chancellor of the Exchequer, Southern Region Deputy, East Kingdom, 11/01/2017 to March 2019
  • Chancellor of the Exchequer, Barony Beyond the Mountain, 11/01/2008 to 01/31/2016
  • Baronial Herald, Barony Beyond the Mountain 03/30/2003 to 01/01/2009
  • Chancellor of the Exchequer, Canton of Fennbrycg, 01/01/1999 to 12/31/2010
  • Chancellor of the Minors, Canton of Fennbrycg, 02/15/1996 to 08/15/1998

Event Staff

  • Merchant Herder- Fall Feast of Simplefaire; 11/04/06, 11/03/07, 11/08/08, 11/07/09, 11/06/2010
  • Co-Steward- Fall Feast of Simplefaire; 10/22/2011, 11/03/2012
  • Culinary Steward- Pot Luck Day Board- BBM Yule 12/2005
  • Executive Chef- Feast- BBM Yule, 12/01/2007
  • Co-Steward & Merchant Herder & Site Logistics Coordinator- Acorn & Pearls II; 6/6-8/2008
  • Executive Chef- Feast- BBM/ Bergental Yule; 12/06/2008
  • Executive Chef - Day Board - Coronation of Edward and Marguerite
  • Assisting Chef- Balfar's Challenge; 04/07/2012
  • Steward- BBM, BBM/Bergental Yule; 12/08/2012
  • Assisting Chef- East Kingdom Crown Tournament of Ivan and Matilde; 11/04/2017
  • Meat Cutter Chef- Coronation of Brennan III and Caoilfhionn III; 04/07/2018
  • Meat Cutter Chef- Balfar's Challenge; 04/21/2018
  • Executive Chef- Day Board- Barony Beyond the Mountain Investiture of Mahk and Gwenlian
  • Meat Cutter Chef- Day Board- K & Q Armored Championship/Sommer Draw; 06/01/2018
  • Additional Knife Wielder- East Kingdom Novice Event; 7/21/2018
  • Additional Knife Wielder & Kitchen Help - Barony of Bergental Investiture; 09/22/2018
  • Assistant to the day board chef for Hrim Schola in Smoking Rocks 03/09/2019
  • Additional Knife Wielder and Kitchen help for Day Board; Black Rose Ball- Bridge Investiture; 03/23/2019
  • Additional Knife Wielder and Kitchen help for Feast; Black Rose- Ball Bridge Investiture; 03/23/2019
  • Assisting Chef and Knife Wielder- Balfar's Challenge in DSH; 4/27/2019
  • Additional Knife Wielder and Day Board help, Otter's Welcome, Barony of Carolingia, May 11th, 2019
  • Merchant Herder and Assistant Gate Personnel, Summer Solstice Shoot, BBM June 15th, 2019
  • Additional Kitchener and Knife Wielder Day Board and Feast, Canterbury Campaign- Smoking Rocks Investiture, June 29th 2019
  • Chef de Partie (production Cook), Royal Heirs Dinner, PENNSIC WAR 48, August 5, 2019
  • Officer in Charge of Arts & Science display and Silent Auction, BBM/Bergental Yule, December 7th 2019
  • Assistant and Event process student to Mistress Elizabth Vinehorn, Artifacts of a Life IV, BBM, Feburary 8th 2020
  • Judge Late Period Garb, Ethereal Seamstress Competition, BBM, February 27th thru March 27th, 2021
  • Assistant Chef, Bergental/BBM Yule, December 4th, 2021
  • Assisting Chef and Meat Handler, Balfar's Challenge, Dragonship Haven, April 23, 2022
  • Additional Knife Wielder for the Vegetable stocks, John Barleycorn, Crown Province of Ostgardr, September 3, 2022
  • Assisting Judge for Late Period Clothing, St, Eligius Arts & Sciences Event, Dragonship Haven, November 12th 2022
  • Arts and Sciences Row Administrator, for Consort's and Sovereign's Archery Championships, BBM, May 19th - 21st, 2023
  • Assisting Chef for Gluten Free Foods, Bergental/BBM Yule December 2, 2023
  • Assisting Chef charged with Vegatables and Meat Cutting, Coronation of Tindal II and G.Emerson True, Concorda of the Snows, April 6th 2024

Classes Taught

  • T-Tunics for Children - Bergental Children's Schola; (few years in 1990's); All Children taking the class; learned to measure, pattern, and cut out a T-Tunic that once sewn, took home with them.
  • Events by the Numbers - Carolingia Service University; Feb 2016; Explaining the Forms, Reports, and money safe guards of a regular event.
  • Graded Measuring Tapes via Juan de Alcega- Bergental Novice Schola; March 2016; Bergental Novice Schola; March 2018; Hrim Schola, BBM; March 2018; -
  • SCA 2 seam Tunic vs. Geometry Tunic - Bergental Novice Schola; March 2018; A comparison between the SCA 2 seam (side seams only) and separate geometrical pieced tunics.
  • A Pictorial Display of Tunics to Shirts - Bergental Novice Schola; March 2018; A Pictorial history of various tunics from early period to late.
  • Class developed and taught on how to make silk dyed pennon banners
  • Classes of The Instructions on making a Late Period Measuring Tape via Juan De Alcega's Tailoring Book. - PENNSIC WAR 48; July 30th & August 6th, 2019
  • Discussion of patterns shown in Juan de Alcega's Tailoring Book and how they are used to create usable patterns for differing sized men and women. - PENNSIC WAR 48, July 30th, & August 6th, 2019
  • 'Impromptu Classes on the Graded' BARA Tape in camp; August 8th, 2019, and then in the Coffee House Seating area on August 9th, 2019 - PENNSIC WAR 48
  • KWIS (Known World Italian Symposium) Salons of Italies II (Italian Salon) April 23, 24, 2021, a Virtual 2 Day Event - Creating a Personal Graded Measuring Tape Via the BARA System
  • BARA TAPES: Creating Personal Period Measuring Tapes Carolingia's 50th Anniversary held on September 9 & 10th, 2023

TEACHING: in person or virtual classes on:

  • "Creating a Personal Graded Measuring Tape Via the BARA System"
  • "Comparison of A Pattern for Different Sized Persons Using the Juan de Alcega Tailoring Book"

More Information

Tailor to the Crown

  • Balfar III and Luna III
  • Thorvald and Svava
  • Gryffith and Aikaterine

has also made for Kenrick III and Avelina III

Assistant Costumer/Sewer for The Coronation of Ozurr and Fortune

Assistant Garb "Dressing a Reign" Margarita de' Siena

Won top prize for HONEY-ALMOND Cheesecake at Smoking Rocks Birthday 2017.

Created dyed silk pennons for each of the sitting Kings, of Pennsic 2010.


Apprenticed to Countess Morgen DuVal (after she stepped down from her and Bjorn's reign 10/5/1996. Do to life's many ebbs and flows, my Laurel is unable to play as often as she would like. I was given the choice to dissolve the ties, or stay and work as a student to other Peers. The answer to that question is different for all, my answer was to stay tied to her, and seek out others for knowledge and experience, until I am able to connect with another Laurel. I have had the pleasure to continue my learning from many Laurels and Pelicans from the East Kingdom.

September 2020, I entered into a student relationship with Mistress Chiaretta Di Fiore. Countess Morgen released me from my responsibilities to her, giving me her best, as I continue my journey forward.

Apprenticed Saturday September 3rd, 2022, I was offered and accepted to take that step from student to apprenticeship with Mistress Chiaretta Di Fiore, whom was apprenticed to Countess Vienna de la mer. I am excited for this new step, in my SCA carrier.

Belting Ceremony 29th of April, A.S. LVII, the formal receiving of THE GREEN BELT OF APPRENTICE, was performed in front of a group of close friends. The belt was made from cabbage left overs from Mistress Chiaretta's Laurel Cloak. Made in the style of late periods belts, it also includes a custom made fox broach, a major emblem or part, of Mistress Chiaretta's device. The sentiment and honor to receive this belt is beyond even my words. I have promised to endeavor to do and become my best artisan, I can be.

At Consort's and Sovereign's Archery Championships May 19th - 21st, 2023, I asked Master Aleksei Dmitriev if he would guide me, along with my Laurel Mistress Chiaretta in my quest to better myself, as an SCA Artisan. We agreed via a handshake.

Protégé Master Aleksei asked if I was willing to take the step from being his pupil, to being his Protégé. With an Russian embrace and handshake, we made an accord. At Bergental/BBM Yule this was made public where I had been tasked to create a favor to wear as an outward symbol of our relationship.

ICOC Letter

Being surprised for a visit to their Majesties' , Highness', or Baron's court is how I have known things to be done in the East Kingdom. I love to see the look on others' face, and I believe mine would be no different. Most times, I will be found in the kitchen, please take this into account on being heralded into court.