Kenric II and Avelina II
From EastKingdomWiki
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Kenric II and Avelina II (Photo by Eye of the Beholder Studios) | ||||||||||
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- Winter reign of AS 48 (October 2013- April 2014).
- Renamed the King's Order of the Tyger of Valor as the Order of the Tyger of Valor on January 26, A.S. 48.
CYNE-WEORC : Kingmaking
by Myra Hope Eskridge, drawn from Beowulf
Old English
Hwæt! We Eást-thegns / in geardagum, þeodcyninga, / þrym gefrunon, hu ða æþelingas / ellen fremedon.
Aledon þa / leofne þeoden, beaga bryttan, / on bearm bǽl-fýres
Sin ge-swegra / weg-gomen com.
Eodon him þa togeanes, / gode þancodon, ferþ-grim þegna heáp, / ferhþum fægne
Tomas Hrafn-hyll maðelode, / on him tohte scan Aras ða bi ronde / rof oretta, heard under helme, / hiorosercean bær
“Eart þu se Essex, / se þe wið Edward wunne?”
Kenric maþelode, / “Na! Ge-swegra ic beo!”
æfter þæm wordum / weorold-cempa leod efste mid elne, / nalas ondsware bidan wolde; / wig-wylm onfeng
Swa mec gelome / leód-mægen þreatedon þearle / þryðswyðe ecgþræce Kenric gemærunge gemacode / mægenræs forgeaf hildebille, / Hrafn-hylle cwellede.
þa wæs Essex / heresped gyfen, wig-gomen weorð-mynd, / þæt him his winemagas ágirnon hyrdon. / Eode Avelina forð, cwen Kenrices / cynna gemyndig,
“Bruc ðisses cyne-rice, / Kenric leofa, cen þec mid cræfte / ond þyssum cyn-ren wes lara liðe; / Wes þenden þu lifige, æþeling, eadig.”
þæt wæs god cyning!
Modern English
Listen! We have heard / of the East-thanes glory, in the old days / the kings of tribes – how noble princes / showed great courage!
They laid down the king / they had dearly loved their tall ring-giver, / in the center of the bier.
His cousin / came to the tourney.
They clustered around him, / his thanes Fierce in battle / happy in their hearts
Thomas Ravenhill spoke, / gleaming from battle The famous champion / stood up with his shield brave behind helmet / in hard war-shirt
“Are you the same Essex / who challenged Edward?”
Kenric replied, / “No! I’m his cousin!”
After these words / the warrior of the world turned boldly / would not wait for answer / surging battle enfolded them.
Again and again / the champions made fierce attacks / with violent swordplay. Kenric finished it. / He put his whole force behind his sword-edge, / killed Ravenhill.
Then Essex was given / victory in battle such honor in the tourney / that the men of his house eagerly served him / Avelina came forward Kenric’s queen, / mindful of courtesies;
“Enjoy this kingdom / the treasure of a people. Make known your strength, yet be / to these common-folk gentle in counsel. / While you may live, be happy, O prince!”
That was great king-ship!
- Coronation of Kenric II and Avelina II
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More Information
Coronation of Kenric II and Avelina II, EK Gazette
The Kingmaking of Kenric, EK Gazette