
Katerina Falconer de Lanark

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Scholar Katerina Falconer de Lanark.jpg
Scholar Katerina Falconer de Lanark
Resides: Carolingia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
KaterinaFalconer heraldry.png
Per chevron inverted gules and azure, on a chevron inverted Or another sable, in chief a compass star Or
Award & Office Badges
Award of Arms Companion of the Order of the Silver Rapier Companion of the Order of the Silver Brooch Order of Perseus Order of the Moon Companion of the Order of the Golden Rapier CourtBarony Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent


My first SCA-related project was sewing (and applique-ing and coordinating and helping others sew) the initial round of Carolingian Calivers cassocks, when the unit was first created. This was followed by my initial attempt at fencing, which lasted only a couple of months. In 2015 I made a bow and started showing up to events to try out this archery thing, and to hang out with fencers. The following year I made another attempt at fencing, with somewhat better luck than the previous one. Since then, I have been focusing on sewing, fencing, and sewing things to wear while fencing. There have also been some forays into embroidery, and some martial A&S projects.


Katerina is a 14th century Scottish persona, from a merchant family based in the royal burgh of Lanark. After developing some tailoring skills, she dabbled in archery, and has traveled to Bologna to study swordplay.



  • Fencing
  • Sewing
  • Embroidery
  • Archery

Offices & Positions

Awards and Accolades

Event Staff

  • Autocrat, Central Region Spring Rapier Practice 2019
  • MiC, Sovereign's and Consort's Rapier Champions Tournament, 2023

Projects & Publications

The SCA projects section of my sewing blog [1]
Translation project (Ghisliero's Regole di molte cavagliereschi essecitii) [2] [3]

In Case of Court

Please contact Remy Delamontagne de Gascogne. My pronouns are she/they. My preferred title is Scholar (based on my affiliation with Scherma Nova Studiorum), unless another title becomes more appropriate.