
Katarzyna Gwozdz

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Revision as of 14:36, 24 August 2023 by Kragore (talk | contribs)
Photo by Marguerite Ingen Lachlainn
Resides: Quintavia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Katarzyna gwozdz device.jpg
Gules, on a bend sinister between two crosses fourchy, between the tines of each fork a roundel, argent three glazier's nails palewise sable.

Katarzyna gwozdz badge.jpg
(Fieldless) A bear rampant per bend sinister gules and argent.
Award & Office Badges
CourtBarony Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent Companion of the Order of the Maunche


Varju was introduced to the SCA in the winter of AS33 (1999), making her first appearance at Birka. She knocked around the society for many years trying to be useful, digging ditches and washing a lot of dishes.
When His Grace Edward Grey of Lochleven and Her Excellency Marguerite Ingen Lachlainn rose to the Crown her involvement increased for a time as she often traveled with the retinue. Through that reign, she met many wonderful people from all over the East Kingdom and beyond. She can still be found about, usually trying to figure out if the chairs need to be put away.


(Pronounciation: ka-tar-zin-uh, g(a)-voosh, var-you)

Katarzyna Gwozdz, called Varju, was born in the early 1500's in the south of Poland. Her grandmother noted that Katarzyna often came home from long walks in the woods, her apron full of colorful mushrooms and shiny stones, earning her nickname "Varju". She's very much influenced by the flourishing industry of the area, and has many diverse interests. These include but are not limited to agriculture, metal, glass, and wood working. She is quite fond of crows and bears.

She served the Court at the pleasure of Edward and Marguerite. It was under this reign that she took up arms, and participated in the lists until AS49. She continued her service at the whim of Edward II and Thrya. While she is no longer Jongleur Herald, she often supports Royalty by donating custom shield tree placards to the travel auctions. (She is happy to share how to create them with anyone who asks!) She also uses her skill with pencil and paint to help with wayfinding projects for Pennsic War.


  • In the past Varju has associated with various households such as Oaken Glen, Pembridge Manor, Clan O'Choda, Lochleven, and Darostur
  • She can probably be found via Technical Services, Pennsic Staff. (Painting something, somewhere.)

Preferred Pronouns

  • she/her/hers

Offices & Positions

  • Jongleur Herald of the East (Maintainer of the Crown List Trees) Spring of 2010 through Spring 2014


Nadzieja Umiera Ostatnia (Hope Dies Last)

In Case of Court

* Use a summon or writ where appropriate.

  • Please contact Mistress Marion del Okes and Sir Estgar aet Hrofeceastre
  • Minor good surprises are ok, but in general Varju appreciates a head's up.


  • William Blackfox Award Nomination, Pikestaff Cover Art August 2010
  • Pikestaff Cover Art December 2011
  • Queen's Guard to Queen Thyra Eiriksdottir
  • Former Shire of Quintavia "Keeper of the Torsem" (Award for Heavy List Combat)
  • Part of Countess Marguerite's winning A&S team at the Tournament of the Roses, May 2023
  • Represented the East Kingdom at the Pennsic 50 A&S competition


  • Documentation submitted for the Pennsic 50 A&S Competition can be found at this link: [1]
  • Leaded Glass Windows in the Dutch Style, c.1500+, as seen installed in situ in Ghent, NY (2020-2022)
  • Leaded Glass Window panel, Slug Glass/Crown Glass, project presented at The Tournament of Roses, May of 2023
  • Leaded Glass Fan Light in the Georgian Style, c.1790 (Out of period, 2022)
  • Copper Foil* Agnus Dei Panel patterned off panels found in the Duomo cathedral, Florence Italy, under construction from 1296 to 1436 (2018)

(*The copper foil method of construction is not a period practice.)

Useful Links