John Kelton of Greyhorn
From EastKingdomWiki
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Information |
Resides: Barony of Concordia of The Snows |
Status: Active |
Awards: Order of Precedence |
Heraldry |
Paly of four sable and Or, a pheon and on a chief vert, two hunting horns reversed Or. |
Award & Office Badges |
Kelton joined the SCA after attending a medieval fair at the Cathedral of All Saints [[1]]in the Barony of Concordia of the Snows(Albany NY) in the Fall of AS XX (1985). He also met his future Knight, Sir Sirhan al Siani Diablu and Sir Sirhan's wife the late Mistress Anna Herold von Ossenheim. He is a brewer and Guildmaster of the Honourable Company of Fermenters of The Barony of Concordia of the Snows. Kelton also enjoys leatherwork, cooking, book hoarding and bread baking. In fact he has baked the breads for several Concordian and RP events.
The son of a Jeweler, Kelton was born in London on October 21 1361 which is the Feast of St. Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins.
- Companion of The Maunche Brennan and Caoilfhionn War of the Roses, May 2018
- Award of Arms - Morguhn III & Maurya, War of Roses, May 1989
- Companion of the Pine ~1991. Baronial service award
- Order of the Friends 1997. A thank you for service to the Barony
- Order of The Sapphire 1993. Baronial A&S Award
- Craftsman. East Kingdom Brewers' Guild 4/2024
Offices & Positions
- Guildmaster. The Honourable Company of Fermenters of The Barony of Concordia of The Snows
- First Baronial Brewing Champion. 2013-2015
- Third Baronial Brewing Champion. 2016-2017
- Baronial A&S Champion. 2017-2018
- Historian. Barony of Concordia of the Snows 2024-Present
Event Staff
- Bread baker and all around kitchen bum
- Mead, Cordial and miscellaneous brewing lectures at Baronial, Kingdom, and SCA(Pennsic) events
- Coordinate Baronial Brewing competition for War of Roses
- Instructor: Brewing Pennsic 2016, War of Roses, Ceilidh (Concordia), Northern Region War Camp (Glenn Linn), EK50 Anniversary
- Judge: EK King & Queens A&S Competition, 2019
- Event Steward: Veisla Schola, 2022
Projects, Publications & Links
- The Honourable Company of Fermenters of The Barony of Concordia
- The Bloody Murther of Sir John Barley-corne - My blog on medieval brewing.
'Articles' These are all available on my blog
- A Beginners Guide to Mead Making.
- Caudles, Possets, Flip and Eggnog.
- Making Liqueurs and Cordials
- On The Making of Cream Liqueurs (not period)
- Ipocras: A recipe from A BOOK OF COOKRYE 1591
- Ipocras II: A redaction from A Noble Book of Festes Royalle and Cokery (London: 1500).
- A Redaction of Tizanne Doulce, Sweet Tisane, from Le Menagier de Paris: Paris 1393.
- A Redaction of My Lord of Carlisle's Sack-Posset, from Digby
- Buckwheat Mead with a discussion of buckwheat in period
- Pur Fait Ipocras, from Forme of Cury
- Clove Water, from Le Menagier. A medicinal
- Documentation for brewers.
EK Gazette Articles
- Arts & Sciences Research Paper #19: Is Tequila Period? A discussion of Agave Based Fermented and Distilled Beverages in West-Central Mesoamerica
- Arts & Sciences Research Paper #29: Hippocras, or a Discussion on the Origins and uses of Spiced Wine. A Medicinal, a Tonic, and an Epicurean Delight.