
Iron Bog

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Barony of Iron Bog
Iron bog.png
Per chevron inverted argent and sable, a plant of three cattails slipped and leaved within a laurel wreath counterchanged
Founded: November 1983
Location: Camden, Gloucester, S. Burlington, NJ



Established: November 1983 as Shire of Iron Bog.

Investiture: March 18, 2006, as the Barony of Iron Bog.

Blazon: Per chevron inverted argent and sable, a plant of three cattails slipped and leaved within a laurel wreath counterchanged.

Populace Badge: Per chevron inverted argent and sable, three swords conjoined at the point counterchanged and in base two bill hooks argent.

Heraldic officer's title: Cattail Pursuivant

Newsletter: Ironmonger

Baronial Seats of Iron Bog

The Baronage of Iron Bog is currently seated by Baron André l'Épervier and Baroness Genevra d'Angoulême. They can be contacted at (contact) and (contact), respectively.


Emblazon Name Given for
IB OSM.png Order of the Sable Martlet service
IB OSC.png Order of the Sable Compass arts & sciences
IB OSG.png Order of the Sable Gauntlet martial
IB OAgM.png Order of the Silver Martlet service (higher level)
IB OAgC.png Order of the Silver Compass arts & sciences (higher level)
IB OAgG.png Order of the Silver Gauntlet martial (higher level)
IB duck.png Order of the Ducke exceptional event steward or head cook of an event
Award-silver-cattail.gif Silver Cattail exceptional service
The Punk exceptional children
Silver ring.png Baroness's Silver Ring traditional personal token

Territories of Iron Bog

  • None

More Information

Eastern Territories
Crown Principalities/Regions: Tir Mara, Northern Region, Central Region, Southern Region
Baronies/Provinces: Østgarðr, An Dubhaigeainn, Bergental, Beyond the Mountain, Bhakail, Bridge, Buckland Cross, Carillion, Carolingia, Concordia of the Snows, Dragonship Haven, Endewearde, Havre des Glaces, Iron Bog, L'ile du Dragon Dormant, Malagentia, Ruantallan, Settmour Swamp, Smoking Rocks, Stonemarche
Shires: Anglespur, Ar n-Eilean-ne, Avonmore, Barren Sands, Blak Rose, Bois Ardent, Caer Adamant, Coill Tuar, Coldwood, Eisental, Frosted Hills, Glenn Linn, Hadchester, Hartshorn-dale, La Selve d'Aure, Lyndhaven, Midland Vale, Montevale, Mountain Freehold, Nordenhalle, Northern Outpost, Old Stonebridges, Owlsherst, Panther Vale, Quintavia, Rusted Woodlands, Smithwick, Wyndhame
Cantons/Ridings: Appleholm, Aschehyrst, Black Icorndall, Bowman's Rest, Brokenbridge, Distant Shore, Dragon Forge, Dragon's Aerie, Fennbrycg, Forestgate, Gryphonwald, Hawkes Reache, Ivyeinrust, Keep by the Endless Sea, Lions End, Marwick, Northpass, Ravenhill, Sea Tyger's Rhyn, Seashire, Towers, Wyndriche, Ynys Y Gwaun
Other Information: Former Territories, Kingdoms