
Grim the Skald

From EastKingdomWiki

Grim the Skald at Pennsic 37
Resides: Anglespur, Concordia of the Snows
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Grim's Arms QC.JPG
Or, on a saltire cotised gules, a Norse sun cross argent
Award & Office Badges
Companion of the Order of the Laurel Companion of the Order of the Maunche Troubadour Companion of the Order of the Silver Rapier Companion of the Order of the Golden Rapier
Kingdom Bardic ChampionFencing MarshalHerald


Grim the Skald (he/him) joined the SCA in 2001, after resisting for several years. As his nickname implies, he is a Skald, a poet and storyteller. He currently resides in the Shire of Anglespur. He was elevated to the Order of the Laurel in the first reign of Konrad and Brenwen (July 2008.)


Grim is a 11th Century Icelander, born in 1035. As many Icelanders do, he has travelled, putting both his poetic skills and his sword at the service of many kings. He has settled down in Concordia of the Snows in the 30th year of his life. He has quickly come to enjoy the life and responsibilities of a court Bard, he has served the Baron of Concordia, six Kings, and three Queens of the East. He has also served Baron Angus Kerr as a herald.

Until his elevation, he was apprenticed to Master Toki Redbeard. He is a part of Toki's household, the Vestfell Farmstead.

He takes pride in the poetry he has written for the people of the East, which at this stage is approaching a decent sized body of work. Should you have a tale of word-fame that should be passed on, let him know, and something may develop. He has been known to do commissions.

In the past, he has served as both the King and Queen's bard of the East. It is not altogether unlikely he will do so again, but at present he is enjoying being a Skald at large.

He has two apprentices: Aethelflied Brewbane and Rebekah Wallace.

Alternate Persona

There is a person who distinctly resembles Grim the Skald who dresses in 14th Century garb. He has written a number of 14th Century Alliterative works. This person is named Matthew Grymm. For some reason he responds more readily to his last name than his first.

Grymm is married to Isabel de Bayonne.

Offices & Positions

Court and Scrolls

Though I deeply appreciate the work of the Scribes of the East Kingdom, I request that any scrolls made for me not be rendered in a "hack hand" (modifying a non-Latin alphabet to render a scroll in the Latin alphabet,) because they can be considered offensive to the culture of the alphabet. I do like to be surprised in court.


I have written a rather large body of poems in varying Norse styles, as well as a few other miscellaneous works. I will link it here as I add it.

I have a PDF with all of my poetic material. It can be found [here.]


I have written a number of articles on various subjects. Most of these are PDF documents which I will link here.

  • Norse Poetry Overview Handout - this is my class handout for an overview on Norse Poetry. It was last edited 8/01/2019
  • 14th Century Alliterative Poetry Handout - this is my class handout for writing 14th Century Alliterative Poetry
  • Period Poetry Forms this is a document I constructed for my own reference going into detail on how to write in various forms of poetry in period. A lot of this is from personal observation of the actual period poems rather than reading scholarly articles, so the information within may reflect my own opinion rather than any kind of consensus.
  • Master Book of Patterns - A ton of patterns I use for sewing, a few for other purposes such as armor and bucklers.
  • Constructing a Center Grip Buckler - A how-to on constructing a center-grip buckler with a hardened leather boss.
  • Examples of Swords - A collection of images of SCA period swords along with where they are displayed and the information that source provided.
  • Examples of Rapiers - As above, but Rapiers.
  • Examples of Daggers - As above, but daggers.

Grim has assembled three books showing examples of Viking-Era rings - he has re-created some of these as his tokens. These are photographs of artifacts from museums and other sources, like the swords, rapiers, and daggers above.

More Information