
Aoife Honibourne

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Viking profile.jpg
Panteria, 2011
Resides: Northern East Kingdom
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence
Device needed.jpg
Heraldry Needed
Award & Office Badges
Award of ArmsCompanion of the Order of the Maunche


Aoife Honeybourne went to her first event at the age of six. Her father was heavily involved in the Society, hosting archery and heavy combat practice in the Shire of Heronter, Aethelmearc. She fell out of touch with the SCA, but rediscovered it in her early teens, immersing herself bardic circles and thrown weapons. As an adult, she switched her focus to the arts and sciences. She enjoys researching and cooking period food, historical brewing, icon painting, and some fiber arts, but her primary focus is beekeeping, and all things related. She hopes to contribute her research on the topic to the knowledge base of the society.


Usually Norse, sometimes Saxon, and woefully confused the rest of the time. She expects to firm up a better persona and wardrobe in the coming months...

Erstwhile member of the enthusiastic yet short-lived House Three Sheets.

Awards & Honors

  • Order of the Maunche (East) 07/16/2018
  • Craftsman, East Kingdom Brewer's Guild, (East) July/1017
  • Award of Arms (East) 1/26/2013

Projects & Publications

Chief blogger at Inn at the Crossroads[1], since March 2011

  • Co-Authored "A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Game of Thrones Companion Cookbook", published in May 2012
  • Both blog and book feature modern redactions of historical recipes

Event Staff

  • Mead Taster, East Kingdom Royal Social, Pennsic 35, August 2016
  • Assistant, Queen's Tea/Royalty Social, Pennsic 40, August 2011
  • Dayboard Cook, A day in the Court of Harun Al-Rashid, November 2012


  • Brewing a wide range of period and other historical beverages; ranked as Craftsman (
  • BEES! Aoife is currently embarking on a long-term study of period skep beekeeping, with related displays. She hopes this will give her an overarching theme under which she can explore a number of different A&S facets.


You may find Lady Aoife on Facebook at She also maintains up the household blog